The Bond(19)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
Hope: Jo

Josie: hmm

Hope: we need to talk

Josie: about what

Hope: The bond and my urge to bite you
3rd Person's POV

Josie: ok

Hope: ok that's it that's all your going to say is ok

Josie: what do you want me to tell you Hope I don't know how to react

Hope: I'm sorry I brought it up

Josie: no Hope...ok is that why you were sucking on my neck like you have never ate anything in your life (chuckles)

Hope: yeah...I just had the urge to please you...then I looked at your neck I wanted to bite you while I pleased you (eyes turns gold)

Hope's wolf really liked that idea Josie blushes hard not knowing what to say

Hope: (bites her bottom lip) can I bite you Jo The decision is yours (whispers)

Hope leans back in to kiss Josie the kiss was full of love and passion Josie wraps her arms around Hopes neck pulling her closer deepening the kiss
Hope pulls away to kiss her Josie's jaw then down to her neck kissing and sucking on it again
Josie moans softly pulling Hope closer to her neck

Hope: mmhmm I need a answer babe

She sucks harder getting a whimper out of Josie she kisses the bruise in apology

Josie: H-Hope

Hope: hmmm

Josie: I want you to bite me

Hope pulls away from her neck eyes still gold looking Josie in the eyes

Hope: are you sure baby

Josie: (nods) yes

Hope looks at her for reinsurance one more time before she goes back to kissing her neck

Hope: can I take your shirt off (mumbles against Josie's neck)

Josie nods her head
Hope: (pulls away) I need to hear you Jo
Josie: yes you can take it off
Hope takes off Josie's shirt quickly then took off her own in one quick motion
Hope starts attacking her chest in kisses and sucking a little bit
She starts to kiss from the top her chest to the middle of her breast
Josie: (sighs breathlessly)
going all the way down
When Hope gets to her shorts she tugs on them asking silently to take them off
Josie: you can take them off
Hope starts pulling them down slowly
Josie: (lifts her hips) Hope please your going so slow
Hope: patience babe
She finally takes the pants all the way off
She then leans down lifting Josie's leg a bit to plant kisses on her left thigh
Moving closer to her covered sex she sucks right next to it leaving a bruise making Josie whimper and buck her hips up
Josie: Hope...please stop teasing me (breathing heavily)
Hope: fine can I take off your panties
Josie: (whimpered) yes
Hope takes off Josie's panties quicker then she did taking off her pants
When their off Hope's eyes glow brighter staring at Josie's glistening heat and she starts moving her hips trying to get some type of friction for her hard on
Hope: (groans) damn Jo your so wet

She takes her finger up to Josie's wet heat
Collecting some of Josie's wetness rubbing around her pussy making Josie's hips buck up and moan
Josie: Hope please fuck me
Hope: Hold on babygirl I have to get you ready for me
She slides her finger in her slowly
Josie moans
She start pumping her finger in and out slowly
Josie: Hope please I need more (breath heavily)
Hope slides a second finger in her slowly pumping in and out of her
Josie: mmmmhmm (moans)
Hope: your so tight Jo I need you to relax so I can fit
She keeps pumping her fingers slowly in and out of the brunette making her hips buck up moaning
She sits up and comes face to face with Josie and stops her movements
Josie: why did you stop (pouts)
Hope: Jo are you ok your really tight
Josie: I'm ok just nervous
Hope: do you want to stop we can if you want to
Josie: no keeping going
Hope: ok just relax Jo
She slides her fingers back in still facing some resistance
She decides to start sucking on Josie's neck to get her to relax and loosen up
Hope: relax Jo

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