The Unexpected Duo(16)

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3rd Person's POV

When they got back from the picnic they immediently started packing

Jordan: Babe

Andrea: yes

Jordan: what about Anthony I can't go with you (pouts)

Andrea: (laughs) babe yes you can I already told them to keep him for a another week their fine with it

Jordan: just checking you got the tickets

Andrea: no mom said she will get them

Andrea: (looks at Hope) you got them right

Hope: uhhh be right back

Josie: HOPE Seriously

Andrea: I kinda expected that

Jordan: how bout we pack now and leave tomorrow night so we can tell Mrs.Forbes and be more prepared

Hope: good idea are you guys done packing

They all nod

Josie: ok let's head out for dinner

Hope: wait can I talk to you Josie for a few minutes you guys can go we will meet you there

Andrea: ok come on babe I wonder if they having burgers today

Andrea and Jordan head out the room Hope immediately vamps to the door and locks it

Josie: umm Hope what did you want to talk about

Hope vamps to Josie and grabs her by the waist and starts kissing her immediately then roughly start kissing her neck leaving hickeys

Josie: (moans) b-babe what are you d-doing

Hope: I'm taking care of you like I said I would

Hope starts moving her hand in front of Josie sliding down to cup her sex making Josie moan in her arms Hope starts to unzip Josie's jeans and slide her hand down her pants rubbing through her panties while still sucking and kissing on her neck

Josie: H-Hope stop teasing me

Hope: your wish is my command (mumbles)

Hope takes her hand out and pulls away

Josie: wait tha-

Before she can finish Hope turns her around and picks her up and walks to the bed Hope lays her down gently and starts kissing her chest then moves down toward her breast

Hope: can I go lower

Josie nods quickly

Hope: I need to hear you Jo

Josie: please go lower

Hope does as she's told and starts planting kisses lower when she gets to we're Josie needs her the most she stops and looks a Josie

Josie is starting to get impatient so she bucks her hips up trying to get some friction Hope grabs her waist and holds her still silently telling her to stop

Josie: Hope

Hope: yes Jo

She starts moving her hands up and down Josie's thighs
Josie: Hope if you don't fuck me I'm going to fuck myself (irritated)
Hope uses her vampire speed to take Josie's pants and underwear off
After their of she immediately starts licking her
Josie: Fuck
Hope licks up and down
When she goes up to her clit she licks over and over again then starts sucking hard on her bud
Josie: Hope P-Please I need to c-cummm
Hope keeps sucking
Then she puts her fingers up to her entrance and starts teasing her
She slides her fingers into the Brunettes wet heat
Pumping in and out fast and hard
Josie: Fuck...IM CUMMING
Hope: Fuck you taste so good mmm
                              ⚠️End Smut⚠️
Josie: Damn (trying to catch her breath)
Hope looks up at her
Hope: that good babygirl
Josie: More like you want me to take care of that (points at the big bulge in Hopes pants)
Hope: no it's ok I'll hide it until it goes come we got to go to dinner
Josie: but I'm tried you wore me out (pouts)
Hope: (laughs) was it worth it
Josie: Hell yeah it was
She picks up Josie bridal style
Josie: Hope wait
Hope: what
Josie: Hope I have no pants or underwear on
Hope: (chuckles) my bad
Hope sets her down on the bed and goes over to Josie's side of the dresser
She gets her underwear and shorts for her
Hope: here
Josie: help me I can't fell my legs
Hope: (laughs) ok
Hope helps put her pants and underwear on then she picks her back up
Hope: come on you big baby
Josie: Hey you did this to me
Hope: (shrugs) you weren't complaining
Josie: of course I wasn't (mumbles)

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