Figuring it out(11)

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Hope's POV

I'm so nervous to talk to Josie about everything we just learned and about us and the future we have been sitting here in silence for 10 minutes and it's killing me

She won't look at me she has been looking at the ground with her confuse thinking face

I want to say something

Hope: Jo...

She finally looks at me

Hope: I...Um...

I scratch the back of my head because I don't know what to say really she just looking at me waiting for me to continue I think I should start from the beginning

Hope: (sighs) I'm sorry

Josie: (confused) sorry about what Hope

Hope: I'm sorry for everything that I did to you and Lizzie...your dad...I'm so sorry Jo I should have went with my heart but all my brain could think about was your safety...and everyone else's

Josie: Hope I already forgave you for that...and what do you mean you should have went with your heart

Hope: Jo...I-I liked you a long time ago...I was going to tell you but you got with Penelope and you looked so happy...I knew I couldn't get in the way of that...I knew I couldn't make you that happy all I would have brought you was I suppressed my feelings

She looks at me

Josie: Hope...

I look her in the eyes

Hope: When Penelope broke your heart I wanted to kill her...I actually lost control of my magic and my I kept my distance when Landon came I thought if I got with him I'll get over you but it never worked I stayed with him because it was easier knowing that you won't die because of me being with you and I wanted to be a little happy...but I never really was I had sex with him because I didn't want to break his heart and I know that you will never be with me for you to be my first so I hurried up and got it over with...I only liked him as a friend really I took his death hard mostly because I lost another person that got close to me and I was tired of it...I used you and Lizzie that day to "get him back" I really did it because you both was too close to me and I didn't want you two getting hurt so I made it seem like I choose Landon over you and Lizzie and almost killed you both...I'm sorry (starts to cry)

Josie: oh my god Hope are you serious you need to get over that your cursed your not your parents death was not your fault when people get close to you they don't die because of you (angrily)

Hope: But Jo everyone who has gotten close to me has died...I don't want that to happen to you

She puts both of her hands on my cheeks

Josie: Hope people don't die when they get close to just ruined years of yourself being happy because your afraid of people getting close to you have you really found any happiness in pushing people away

Josie: then stop let yourself be happy for once

Hope: I do want to be happy but I can't if I'm not happy with you and I know you don't want to be with so please just stop

I stand up and start walking towards the door but before I can open it a hand grabs my wrist and turns me around next thing I know soft lips are on mine kissing me OH MY GOD JOSSETTE OLIVIA-LUCAUS SALTZMAN IS KISSING ME
I couldn't help but kiss back I grab her waist and pull her closer to me while she wraps her arms around my neck we pull away when airs needed


she smiles and giggles then kisses me again
I pull away this time

Hope: w-wait jo umm I think we need to slow down a bit

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