Baby it's time (40)

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⚠️Mostly smut⚠️
Long ass chapter Enjoy😁
February 7th 2034
3rd Person's POV

William: do you have to go
Hope: we will be back buddy it's only going to be a week
William: (pouts) you can just stay here
Hope: we will be back on Valentine's Day buddy your going to be hanging out with dad I think he's taken you to Disneyland
William: really (excited) dad are we going to Disneyland

And there he goes running down the hall Hope and Josie are going to Paris for the week their just going to teleport there they know what day it is and what is coming next and they are prepared for it
Hope: baby you ready
Josie: yeah I'm ready
Hope: (smiles) let's get this show on the road

Once they teleport to Paris they immediately start unpack to get it out of the way so they won't have to worry about it later
Hope: babe before we do anything I have a surprise and we are watching a movie
Josie: (pouts) it better not be anymore jewelry
Hope: it's not just put on those silk pjs that I saw you sneak in your bag and meet me in the living room please
Josie: I wasn't sneaking anything in my bag
Hope: babe you literally vamped to one side of the room then to the other then started stuttering your ass off
Josie: leave so I can get dress
Hope: why I'm your wife and it's not like I haven't seen you naked before remember that one-

Josie pushes Hope against the wall cover her mouth as her eyes turn gold
Josie: don't finish that sentence

Hope mumbles in to Josie's hand and rolls her eyes
Josie: if I take my hand away you better not say it

Hope nods her head Josie takes her hand away and step back
Hope: I didn't hear you complaining
Josie: HOPE
Hope: (chuckles) alright I will be in the living room

When Hope is gone Josie snaps her fingers red lingerie and red silk pjs appears on her body she smirks as she makes her way to the living room

When Hope saw what Josie had on her jaw dropped to the floor she tried to get up from the couch but almost ended up falling
Josie: (smirks) now what movie are we watching

Hope vamps to Josie and sweeps her off her feet carrying her bridal style making Josie let out a small yelp
Hope: forget about the movie
Josie: what about my surprise
Hope: you will get it later I want you now

Hope vamps them to the bedroom and put Josie down on the bed Hope cast a spell and snaps her fingers but nothing appeared and nothing happened or so Josie thought Hope secretly put a spell on the bed and put a special something on the nightstand Hope gets in between Josie legs immediately attacking her neck Josie moans a bit at the feeling of Hopes lips on her neck as Hop is sucking and kissing Josie's neck she unbuttons Josie pajama shirt that's when she got a glimpse of Josie's red lingerie her eyes change gold in excitement Josie wore the outfit on purpose knowing Hopes favorite color is red

Since Hope is a bit distracted Josie pushes her back a bit and switch their positions so now Josie is on top before Hope can even make a move Josie kisses her hard and rolled her hips a bit Hope groans with her eyes close and she keeps them close savoring the moment When Josie disconnects the kiss she starts making her way down Hopes body as Josie continues her journey lower she takes Hopes pajama pants off then throws them behind not caring where they land when she gets to Hope's underwear her eyes widen and a dark blush covers her face instantly
Josie: you wore the yellow boxers with red kisses on them
Hope: I did (chuckles)

she then raised a brow when she didn't hear a response from Josie
Hope: they're your favorite right

Hope still doesn't get a response but she feels her underwear being taken off though so she finally opens her eyes to look at her wife as soon as her eyes opened she watched the brunette encase her into her mouth right away Hopes eyes widened as Josie began bopping her head up and down with haste
Hope: Oh Fuck (gasp)

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