Problems pt 3(27)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
Andrea: we can used this to our advantage if malivor comes after momma Jordan you will help mom since you built it before right
Jordan: ok princess
Andrea: now before you get to that let's get some weapons and pay Alaric a visit...
Hope's POV
In the car

Hope: ok do we know we're he is
Andrea: nana said he went into the woods and I called aunt Freya and told her the plan she says that they will be in the school just whistle for backup
Hope: ok that's good so are we just going to question him then let him go
Jordan: no we use him as bait for malivor theirs a chance it won't work but Ms. Laughlin won't continue the work unless Alaric is around because he has a hold on her
Josie: what kind of hold
Jordan: I'm not really sure but when Malivor demands her to do something she just ignores him but when Alaric does it she immediately does it without question
Hope: okay so we kidnap Alaric that's easy

When they get to the school Hope parks the car
They all get out and head to the woods the sun is going down

Andrea: you smell that
They all stop and sniff the air
Hope: is that...gasoline
They all look at each other then start running towards the smell
Jordan: oh shit
They all see Jossette Laughlin covered in gasoline and pouring more
Andrea: what the hell do we do
Hope: umm I-I don't know
Josie: Hold up it looks like she's creating a symbol
Jordan: oh hell no
He vamps over to Jossette grabs her and speed off to the nearest river
Andrea says a water spell over the symbol
Hope: where the hell did he go
Andrea: he went to the nearest river and jumped in with her it looked like she was trying to literally ran down hell and that will be super bad
Hope: damn so much for trying to kidnap Alaric
Josie: I think they knew we were coming this was way too easy
Then they hear a phone ring
Hope speeds over to the noise and picks up a phone and answers it
Hope: Hello?
Alaric: well hello Hope
Hope: what do you want Alaric
Alaric: I thought that I will give you a little gift did you like
Hope: if your talking about your supposed to be dead fiancé covers In gasoline and trying to bring monsters from hell then no
Alaric: did you even look at the symbol because if you did you would know it's not to bring multiple monsters who are from but something else

Hope turns around to get a good look but in every angle she couldn't tell
Hope:umm what is it supposed to be
Alaric: why don't you make it glow and find out

Hope says a spell that traces the symbol and making it glow when she's done she realize what it's the Mikaelson symbol
Alaric: by hearing how quiet you are I guess you figured out what symbol it is
Hope: why...why the Mikaelson symbol
Alaric: you will see sooner or later
He hangs up
Hope: Andrea what does this mean
Andrea: I have a theory and if it's true then the future is going to change and I don't know if it will be a good or a bad thing

In Andrea's head
Jordan: Princess we have a problem
Andrea: what is it
Jordan: come to the medical room now

Andrea: we need to go to the medical room
Josie: why
Andrea: Jordan says theirs a problem and get their now
Hope: alright let's go
Hope grabs Andrea and Josie holding them tight and vamp them to the medical room
When they get their the place is a mess and they see Jossette in the corner wet and looking terrified and Jordan in the middle of the room looking a bit frantic and breathing heavily
Andrea: Jordan what happened
Jordan: she tried siphoning the life out of me making me accidentally head dive in to her mind it got her to stop but the things that I have seen it it's terrible (out of breath)
Andrea walks over to him and place her hands on the side of his head and get on her tippy toes to kiss his forehead before pulling away
Andrea: is that better
He nods
She looks him straight in the eyes
Andrea: what did you see
Jordan: Malivor brings back Klaus and uses him to kill every Mikaelson with the spear instead of doing it himself Josie goes first while Hope watches and it breaks her she goes on a rampage and kills malivor but is left with her father left she lets him kill her
Andrea: I had a feeling it had something to do with papa Klaus was anyone in here
Jordan: I'm pretty sure I wasn't actually in her mind but in someone's who knows about the future
Then Brianna comes out
Bree: it was mine the future it change and you don't have much time until it's permanent because baby Eli is gone
Andrea: WHAT (flashing her gold eyes) WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES GONE
Bree: he vanished out of thin air and existence no one remembers him until I casted the spell which I wish I didn't because it's really taking a tool on Hope and Josie they both have been avoiding everyone and littlest things tick them off Hope has been keeping a bit of distance from Josie which is pissing Josie off All Josie is trying to do is be their for Hope but Every time she looks at Josie she's sees baby Eli because Baby Eli looks way more like Josie then Hope
Andrea can't say anything she feels like she failed she just looks at the ground and starts to cry Jordan immediately Holds her tight
Hope and Josie is a it teary even though they have never meet baby Eli or had any kids yet they feel sad that future them lost their son and is struggling since Andrea has come into their lives they have a connection with her like she actually their daughter that they been with since she was born they know that's actually their daughter just from a different time but it doesn't feel like she is it feels like they found out Josie's was pregnant celebrated went through the whole nine months of mood swings then 17 years later here is their daughter with a husband who loves her to death and have a son
They honestly feel bad they didn't get to meet baby Eli
But what both Hope and Josie know is that they will make sure their future stays how Andrea first described it with baby Eli alive and well
Hope wipes her tears and looks at Josie who looks back at her with the same look
The both walk over and hug Andrea with all the love they can give
Andrea calmed down a bit
Bree: you have a month left to fix it the war is coming faster you no longer have 2 years
Andrea: understood
And with that Brianna disappears
Hope: have a plan
They look at her to continue
Hope: but we need everyone for this
Andrea nods and whistles
Everyone gets their in a blink
Freya: what happened
Hope and Josie look at Andrea shocked
Josie: who did you...never mind
Hope: I have a plan
Caroline: first do you want to start with that
They all look at Jossette who is just standing their staring
Hope: that will be explained later right now we have a terrible problem Alaric an Malivor are trying to bring my dad back
Rebekah: How it's literally bloody impossible
Hope: he was using Jossette to do it anyways we're going to need to create that weapon and prepare because we no longer have 2 years we have a month the future is changing baby Eli no longer exists
Freya: isn't that your son in the future
Hope: yes he no longer exists in the timeline but our future selves didn't remember him until Brianna did a spell and it's tearing future me apart remember her son who doesn't exist anymore future has been avoiding Josie in the future because he looks more like her so we need to get started on defeating Malivor and have a plan but it has to be before he brings back my father from what Jordan said my dad kills all Mikaelsons with the spears Josie going first and I witness it and go on a rampage killing malivor leaving only me and my father left but I let him kill me
Kol: bloody hell what's the plan
Hope: after being on the phone with Alaric I noticed he was the only one in the room so I'm guessing Malivor wasn't actually here Andrea said that Malivor finds the weapon that can kill me blah blah blah but it never went as far as to how he's here because I know for a fact he can't come back because Cleo would have noticed and said something or Landon but nothing and also after hearing what Alaric has been up to and why I think someone needs to do a proper head dive on Ms Laughlin
Kol: ooo I'll do it
Hope: go ahead
Kol vamps to her and press his hand on her head
Diving into her mind
Freya: what exactly is he supposed to find
Hope: if I'm right Alaric is impersonating malivor to scare us and give him more time to get the spear and kill me and of course since your. My family your gonna want revenge so he kills you too but first he kills Josie get it and I know what your gonna but that's we're Lizzie comes in he make Josie a vampire then Lizzie does the speed to make her a siphoner again which will only but Josie in a coma Alaric doesn't want Josie and I to be together because of the mate bond it will make us more powerful full and Josie a tribrid if she's a tribrid the spell Lizzie has to do won't work since she's part wolf now that she is right now it's changing things so now it's just Alarics plan Lizzie's is already out the picture now he just going to kill Josie first he doesn't need to kill her to get her blood but she does after I die Brianna stop right there my theory is since she is basically a tribrid if Alaric does kill her she comes back he must not know that she's part wolf yet if his plan is still set in motion
Kol: Ahhh bloody hell...I'm starting to hate time travel
Hope: what happened
Kol: Alaric is impersonating Malivor using Jossette to do it giving Jossette up is a distraction
Andrea: distraction from what
Kol: from the blond twin he went to go get her
Hope: well damn
Josie: how do we defeat him
Kol: he's still human he's life is just linked to Lizzie
Hope throws her arms in the dropping them right after
Hope: I fucking give up
Freya: language
Hope: seriously
Andrea: wait How is he changing the timeline
Jossette: he isn't I am
Everyone turns to her
Andrea: how
Jossette: one of you are poised
Hope: let me guess it's Josie
Jossette: no it's you
Hope: ok wasn't expecting that but I'll come back
Jossette: no you won't theirs red oak ash in the poison you will die in the next 48hrs
Josie: you have got to be fucking kidding me
Rebekah: well how do we get the bloody poison out her system
Jossette: I don't think you can I don't know it's ester's spell
Freya: of course it is
Kol: well we have to do something we can't just let her die
Andrea: she won't...if you do the ceremony
2015 words

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