Baby it's Time pt 2 (41)

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The Next Morning
3rd Person's POV

It's currently 10:05AM in Paris

Hope is the first one up and normally she would just admire Josie sleeping but she want to do something different

Josie is still wearing the lingerie set just the top part it's half way off she untangles herself from Josie and slide down her body quickly getting in between Josie's legs

She doesn't immediantly get right into action mostly because she wants to tease her a bit so she starts creating little hickies on her thighs right next to her sex Josie squirms a bit but doesn't wake up yet then a light bulb lit up in her head and her eyes turns gold at the idea

Hope quickly removes herself from between Josie's legs and climbs up her body first she thinks if she she wants to include her face or not instead she decides to do the bottom of her chin she tries not to put to much pressure on Josie so she doesn't wake up

She then starts making hickies on the bottom of her chin
Once she got at least 6 hickies there she moves down to Josie's neck she starts from the side of her neck and works her way to the other side when she gets to the middle of her throat she pauses because Josie is starting to move a lil more and moan a bit but doesn't wake up so she continues what she's doing

After an hour and a half and her lips sore and swollen she finally leaves the last hickey on the bottom of Josie foot and as soon as she was almost done she heard Josie voice
Josie: so that's what you wanted

Hope removes her lips and look at Josie like a confused dog as she sits up
Hope: you were awake the whole time
Josie: I woke up when you started kissing the middle of my neck...but I do got a question
Hope: what
Josie: now what the hell went through your mind for you to want to do this
Hope: I don't know it was just an idea that popped through my head
Josie: so you thought it was a good idea to cover my entire body with hickies
Hope: yes so everyone can know your mine now can you lay back down and spread your legs I want to taste you
Josie: you sure you haven't had enough of me
Hope: there's no such thing lay down please

Josie huffs and lays back down an Hope quickly gets on top of her before she slides down her body Hope stares at Josie because her top is bothering her she wants to completely see Josie naked so she rips off the top Josie eyes widen
Josie:I could have just taken it off Hope (complains)
Hope: I wanted to rip it off

Hope spreads Josie's legs apart and slid down her body and get in between her legs she immediately flattens her tongue on Josie clit and flicks it then pulls away a bit grabbing Josie's thighs and leans down to take a long lick from her entrance all the way up to her clit

After teasing Josie for 5 minutes Hope pulls her head away and look up at a panting and flustered brunette Josie gasps when she felt two of Hope's fingers slide into her entrance and moaned as those fingers started moving inside her feeling the urge to touch Hope she strokes Hope's member up and down at the same pace Hope was pushing her fingers inside of her Hope climbs up Josie's body and brought their lips together heatedly her tongue seeks out Josie's licking inside her mouth until she finds it Josie whimpers when Hope picks up the pace her rhythm falters with stroking her member because she's getting lost in the pleasure she's receiving

Hope pushes Josie's hand away from her body and she pulled her fingers out of the brunette at the same time she ends up replacing them with her attachment but she doesn't go inside she just drags herself up and down the brunette's clit wantonly Josie pulls away from the kiss to release a breathy moan
Josie: Fuck

The stimulation on her clit makes her shiver she puts her hands onto Hope's sides because more arousal is pooling into her insides but she wants something else there instead
Josie: Go inside baby...Please

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