Problems pt 1(25)

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The Next day
Josie's POV

I had just woke up I check my phone to see the time
It's 8:34 Damn I woke up early
I look to my right to see Hope sleeping peacefully I know she's not a morning person
I go on my phone to pass the time
I see that I have 23 missed calls from Dad and 45 texts messages 14 missed calls from Mg and 26 text messages from Lizzie and 3 texts med from text from mom
I check to see what my mom said

Mom💝: Alaric is looking for you and Hope Flinch keeps missed class and doesn't come back to school until night Lizzie doesn't come out her room Mg misses you he and Lizzie are having some issues

Me: I'll tell Hope about Flinch and Alaric we have an idea to help Lizzie I can see if Mg can come over

Mom💝: ok I'll tell Mg

Me: also tell him he can't bring anyone or be followed and we will probably meet at the mystic grill I'll have to check with Hope

Mom💝: ok

I don't know what Flinch is up to but it can't be good
I get up quickly to not wake up Hope
I head to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up

After I'm done with my shower and I freshen up I head to the Kitchen
When I get there I see Andrea and Jordan already there
Josie: hey I didn't know you guys would be up this early
Andrea: well when you have a baby you kinda become a early bird
Jordan: I'm already a morning person
Josie: I'm guessing your not Andrea
Andrea: hell no but since I had Anthony I been waking up early which sucks
Jordan: you will be alright princess
Andrea: says the person who wakes up at 5:30 in the morning every fucking day
Josie: damn why so early
Jordan: I like to go on a run in the morning Andrea stopped doing it when Anthony was born
Andrea: because why the hell would I want to wake up at 6 am in the fucking morning to go on a run Jordan
Jordan: (shrugs) for exercise
Andrea: exercise my ass
Josie: (laughs) what do you guys want for breakfast
She opens the fridge
Andrea: oooo pancakes
Josie: pancakes it is do you want any Jordan
Jordan: sure

After I'm done making the Pancakes and bacon I make everyone's plate with a side of orange juice and Hope finally wakes up
Hope yawns and walks over to me and wrap her arms around me from behind and snuggles into my neck
Hope: good morning love (mumbles)
Josie: good morning babe how did you sleep
Hope: not good you weren't next to me
Josie: (smile) sorry I didn't want to wake up I know your not a morning person I made breakfast though
Hope: what did you make
Josie: pancakes and bacon
Hope: I thought you don't eat meat
Josie: I don't but Freya said I have to now that I'm a wolf I already fixed your plate
Hope: thank you love
She kisses me on the side of my head and make her way to the table
After breakfast
3rd Person's POV
Andrea: thank you for the breakfast momma
Josie: your welcome (smiles)
Jordan: it was delicious can I have more please
Josie: of course theirs enough for seconds
Hope: thank you love you make the best pancakes
Josie: your welcome babe
Jordan: so what are we doing today (stuffing his face)
Andrea: first off babe don't talk with your mouth full second we literally said yesterday we were going shopping and helping Lizzie you were their
Jordan: I forgot (mouth full)
Andrea glares at him
He swallows his food
Jordan: sorry
Josie: are we going out to shop or online
Hope: both
Josie: ok let's do it online right now because we have some things to discuss Alaric is looking for me and Hope also Flinch keeps skipping class and leaving the school and not coming back until late also Mg wants to come over he's kinda tired of Lizzie and misses us
Hope: ok if Mg comes he comes alone he can go shopping with us Freya is tracking Alaric he keeps going in the woods and Flinch is fucking someone
Josie: how do you know that
Hope: because that's what she did before with Maya and the other girl
Josie: oh yeah wait their was another girl
Hope: yup moving on Lizzie is spiraling I'm going to need to ask Mg if she's been using any dark magic because there has been sightings of dark magic and I know it isn't us after we get some information on Lizzie we can see how we can help her
Andrea: sounds like a plan me and Jordan are going to check up on Anthony after Jordan is done eating
Hope: ok I'm going to go get my laptop so we can shop while you guys are visiting him after I will give you the laptop
Andrea: sounds good
Josie: I'm going to text my mom to tell Mg he can go shopping with us later
Hope: ok
3 hours later
At the Salvatore school
Caroline's POV

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