Family day(15)

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3rd Person's POV

When Hope and Josie walk to the garden they see Andrea and Jordan sitting on the bench

Hope: Hey Jordan hey Drea

Andrea: what took you guys so long

Hope and Josie look at each other then back at Andrea

Josie: it took a while to get dress

Andrea: (scoffs) yea right ok what are we doing today

Hope: let's have a picnic I know a place

Everyone agrees as their walking to the front the see non other than Lizzie Saltzman

Josie: oh shit walk the other way

As soon as they start walking the other way Lizzie is already storming over to them

Lizzie: why have you been avoiding me Jo

Josie: Lizzie not right now I'm trying to have a relaxing day

Lizzie: come on Jo we haven't hanged out since you got here you have been hanging out with these dumb asses all damn week

Lizzie then looks at Andrea's side and sees Jordan

Lizzie: Finally someone I can relate to

They all look at her like she's crazy and out of her damn mind

Lizzie: now what's your name handsome

Jordan: uhh it's Jordan and I think you should back up

Lizzie: come on let's go hang out together and get away from these people

Jordan: naww I'm good

Lizzie: why not im way more fun then my sister and these two bitches

Jordan: (growls) don't you ever call my wife a bitch again I don't like to hit women but I will not stand here and watch you disrespect her

Jordan's eyes change color with veins under them Andrea puts a hand on Jordan's chest to calm him down

Lizzie: wife (scoffs) oh please your not even 20 and it's surprising how any one will even marry that witch

Jordan was going to say something but was cut off by a pissed off Josie

Josie: you will not talk to them that way if you have problem then stay away from us especially if you have nothing nice to say

Josie's eyes turns pitch black

Lizzie: uhh Jo your eyes are black don't tell me dark Josie is back I don't want to deal with her again

Josie: Lizzie please stop talking and leave me alone I'm tired of you

Lizzie: Jo I didn't even do anything they are th-

Josie: shut the hell up your so selfish and you blame everyone for everything and I'm tired of it until you get your act together stay the hell away from me and my friends

With that Josie walks away grabbing Hope with her leaving Lizzie in tears shocked

Lizzie: w-what did I-I do for her to act like t-this

Andrea: it's what you didn't do you never once put her feelings first or ask how she feels you just decide everything for which most of the time is opposite of what she actually wants when she try's to talk to you about it you do the opposite or ignore her maybe if you ask or see things from her perspective you will know

Lizzie: how could you possibly know that witch

Jordan: first don't disrespect my wife second is because she ask about Josie's feelings and listen to what she has to say

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