The Proposal(29)

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The other Mikaelson house
Freya's POV

Freya: Kol if you keep cheating I'm going to turn you mortal and hex you

We're playing monopoly and Kol keeps sneaking himself money its pissing me off
Rebekah: bloody hell Kol I swear do it again and you won't have a head
Kol: I have no bloody idea what you guys are talking about I'm not cheating (smirks)
Then the door bell ring before I got to yell again
I get up to open the door when I open it I see Hope with one Elijah's suits with her hair wavey
Freya: Hope what are you doing here
Hope: I need you and everyone here to go to my house and help Jordan and Andrea set up the place I want propose to Josie the wedding in the backyard and a nice candle light dinner in the dining room
Kol and Rebekah walks up to us
Rebekah: what's going on
Freya: she wants to propose to Josie
Rebekah: oh my god seriously
Hope: (smiles) yes
Kol: we're is Josie
Hope: (frowns) we kinda got into a argument because I wasn't considering on how to save my life which we already know how but I didn't want to because I didn't want her to be a vampire but she kinda took it the wrong way and assumed I didn't want to marry her so now she's at the school she ran out the house
Freya: seriously Hope you know that's not your choice
Hope: I know but me becoming a vampire at a young age is stressful I don't want that for and of course I want to marry I just want to do it the right instead of trying to save my life
Rebekah: I get what you mean we will help you love
Hope: thank you so much
She gives all of us a big hug then pulls away
Hope: where's Keelin and Divina
Freya: their sleeping we will wake them up and head to your house
Hope nods
Freya: Hope
Hope: yeah
Freya: why do you want to marry her
Hope: (smiles) because I Love her she's my everything I see a future with her it might be early in our relationship but I always wanted to marry it's a dream of mine we have been through thick and thin together if I had asked her out before Penelope did like I was going to we would already be married

I saw a sparkle in her eyes when she talked about her future with Josie and how much she loves her
Freya: (smiles) of course we will help you we will teleport their so it's faster you go get your girl
Hope: thank you guys this means so much to me but I have to go to the store and get Josie's dresses
Rebekah: do you need help
Hope: no thank god Caroline loved weddings because Josie already knows what she wants her wedding dress to look like and she showed one day and I know a dinner dress she would like
Rebekah: that's amazing Hope now go we will see you later
Hope: bye thank you
When she leaves I go upstairs to wake Divina and Keelin
Freya: Divina!! Keelin!! Wake up we got to go
Keelin: we're are we going
Freya: we need to help Hope I'll tell you later go to the living room
Divina: (yawns) why are you yelling
Freya: go down stairs I'll tell you later

It took 5 minutes for everyone to come to the living room
We link hands and I teleport everyone to the Mikaelson mansion
Jordan: oh shit
He jumps and almost dropped the candles
Jordan: I guess you here for the planning
Divina: what planning
Jordan: Hope wants to propose to Josie
Divina: finally this day has come let's go
Hope's POV
3 hours later
Alright I got the dresses the place is all set up now it time to get Josie
I drive to the school quickly
When I get there I park and rush to Caroline's office when I get there the door is locked so I knock it took a minute for Caroline to answer the door as soon as she opens it I hear constant crying I sigh and nod at Caroline and walk in she leaves and close the door I walk slowly over to Josie and it breaks my heart to see her like this and that I'm the cause of it
I sit down on the couch next to her and rub her thigh she flinches a bit a moves away from me that broke my heart
Josie: (sniffles) H-Hope what are you doing here
Hope: (sighs) I came to say I'm sorry it's not my choice whether or not you become a vampire but Josie look at me
I grab her face so she can look into my eyes
Hope: I Love you and I'm sorry that I made you feel like I don't want to marry you of course I do I just want to do it for the right reasons
I lean in a give her a quick kiss
Josie: I Love You too
She grabs my face to give me a kiss
Before the kiss gets too heated I pull away
Hope: I need you to do me a favor
Josie: what is it (curious)
Hope: I need you to get dress and put this dress on
I snap my fingers and a dress and heels appear
She grabs it and admire it
Josie: Hope this is beautiful but why
Hope: I'm taking you on a date now please get dress
Josie: is that why you look so good (smirks)
Hope: yes now get dress please I'll be in a corner not looking
Josie: you seen me naked before Hope
Hope: I know (smirks) but I want to be surprised
I walk over to the corner of the room and look at the wall
Josie: Hope what about my make up and my hair
I snap my fingers and hair stuff appear
Hope: you don't need any makeup but you can do your hair

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