The Decision (36)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
She has too choose out of the people who mean the most dear to her

She has to make a Decision

Hope's conversation with her future self before The War

Future Hope: I'm surprised you wanted to speak to me
Hope: I need your help
Future Hope: with let me guess you need to know if theirs a possibility you will lose this war and how do you win
Hope: yes actually something just doesn't feel right like it can't be that easy to kill Malivor
Future Hope: it's not I have also had this conversation with another Hope who had won The War
Hope: how did she do it
Future Hope: you need three back up plans the first get Lizzie better as quick as possible and as much as we both don't like this one you need Penelope it's to back up Lizzie and you will need Bonnie Bennett Damon and Elena Salvatore Jermey Gilbert Cleo and Kaleb you might be out numbered so they will help you it might take a bit of convincing with Bonnie Bennett but she will do it for her nieces and the world
Hope: what's plan two
Future Hope: if everyone is surrounded make sure you Josie and Mg are together then slit all of her palms hold hands in a circle and chant a spell together that I will tell you later that spell will drain you three a lot of energy so only do it if it's a real emergency
Hope: ok three
Future Hope: theirs a chance Malivor will still be alive he will kidnap you Josie Mg Andrea and you parents the people who are most dear to you and make you choose on who to kill of course I know your not going to neither did the Hope from the War in the future
Hope: what did she do
Future Hope: she chose herself everyone was chained including her before everything her life was a little different than are's she learned things on how to escape chain's handcuffs and how to fight better while she was chained up and trying her best to get free she noticed her wrists were bleeding she thought of pulling hard enough that it will take her whole hands off she didn't need her hands to fight she knows how to fight without them so she decided on something else she dislocated both of her thumbs so she can get free she did then she had the knife that was created by Papa Tunde I'm sure you know about it she coated it in her own blood staining it then stabbing Malivor in the chest which it stayed in side him he turned into a hard substance with the knife still in his chest then got a capsule put him inside and put him on the moon so no one can reach him and if they do they will burn
their will be witch though you just need to get Mg free he will do the rest
Hope: um ok but how the hell do I dislocate my thumbs then put them back to normal
Future Hope: I can teach you she taught me how because I asked also if you get scratched by the spear Josie can siphon the red oak out of your system like Lizzie did she won't die slowly from it she can only die if she gets stabbed in the heart with it
Hope: ok teach me
Future Hope go get some handcuffs this will take a while
The present
3rd Person's POV

Hope stares at her hands and listens to the witch removing most of the spells thank goodness it's hidden behind a thousand spells Hope gets up and walks as closely as she can to malivor and looks at her family then him
Hope: I choose...
Malivor: yes who do you choose
Hope looks at him with her hybrid face eyes golden as ever

Hope dislocates both of her thumb's quickly then put them back in pace then snaps her fingers to get Mg free before Malivor rushes over to her
Hope: we'll see about that

Her and Malivor starts fighting she needs to stall him and get him weak and to think he's winning so she can stab him correctly Mg vamps to the witch and snaps her neck then goes over to everyone who is chained up
Mg: um how do I get you guys free
Andrea: do you remember some of the fire spells we practiced
Mg: yes
Andrea: the second one we did heats things up to the point it melts it
Mg: right um

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