Training (33)

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3rd Person's POV

Hope breaks the sleeping spell and Malivor slowly wakes up
Malivor: well isn't this a pleasant surprise to see Hope Mikaelson's daughter
Andrea: can I have the room please
Everyone looks at her confused but leaves
Andrea: Es bueno verte de nuevo viejo amigo
Malivor: as it is to see you
Andrea: ¿Cómo supiste que estaba en esta línea de tiempo?
Malivor: you brought me here
Andrea: ¿qué?
Malivor: when you got you opened a door to my let's call it my subconscious setting me free
Andrea: that's impossible I came here to stop the Mikaelsons from falling not to bring you here
Malivor: i was never in your timeline after your mother killed me in my sons body the future you saw started before your mother activated her vampire side it's true the Mikaelsons might fall in the future but wasn't me who caused it in tell you brought me back Alaric is the one in future to make the Mikaelsons fall not me it was the last thing i did before I actually died was corrupt Alaric's mind so he would hate the Mikaelsons forever and destroy them
Andrea: (growls) why should I believe you
Malivor gets up and takes a green leaf from his pocket and eats it
Malivor: I just took the truth weed I know what your think magic doesn't work on me but it does since I died I'm more vulnerable (growls) im starting to hate taking this thing
Andrea: what does you having to take the truth weed change anything
Malivor: since you won't believe my word I can just show you

He snaps his fingers and all Andrea sees is darkness

Hope: Jordan if you don't stop walking back and forth im going to stab you
Jordan: well im sorry I just have a bad gut feeling about something but I trust Andrea

That's when he stops walking
Jordan: something is wrong
He vamps to the basement everyone else follows
When they get to the basement they see Andrea on the floor unconscious and Malivor just standing in the cell
Jordan: ANDREA
Hope: what the hell did you do (growls)
Malivor: (a little frightened) I'm just showing her what she wants to know (smirks)
Hope: and I'm just giving in to my instincts

Hope unlocks the cell and grabs him dragging him
Andrea: (gasp) wait
Hope: why
Andrea: put him back in (out of breath)
Hope: why
Andrea: please just do it
Hope throws him back in the cell and spell it shut
Josie: Andrea what happened
Andrea: this is all my fault
Hope: what are you talking about
Andrea: before I was born I brought grandma back mom would talk about her parents a lot when I was in momma's stomach so me being smart as a baby who hasn't been born yet I brought grandma back I couldn't bring grandpa because it would take a lot of magic and I was just a unborn baby I started all this when I brought her back that's when their was a warning sign saying be prepared (crying) I'm so sorry
Hope:you didn't know Andrea
Andrea: I think apart of me did that be prepared warning came from my magic Malivor was never in the future until I brought grandma back releasing him before he actually did he corrupted Alarics mind making his hate for Mikaelsons much stronger it was Alaric who tried to make the Mikaelsons fall not Malivor until now in this time he sensed that I was here because he's from my timeline not this one (crying)
Josie: it's not your fault Andrea
Andrea: yes it is
Hope: no it's not

Then Andrea's eyes change to white
Andrea: (sighs) we have 2 weeks until he unleashes all the monsters After that the war begins
Jordan: 2 weeks I thought that it was in a couple of hours
Andrea: it's going to take longer considering the dark magic in the hour glass is installed
Josie: dark magic
Andrea: yes (whispers a silencing spell) the same one that helped dark Josie to rise since your a tribrid and your magic is linked with the Mikaelson magic it can't corrupt you but Dark Josie is apart of you she comes out when your to afraid to stand up for yourself or when your sad mad angry jealous or the other thing she will protect you in her own way mostly because she's you if you die she does too
Hope: so what do we do
Andrea: we have to kill Malivor when the monsters comes it will kill the already dead but the rest we will have to fight
Josie: so what do we do in the meantime
Andrea: train as much as we can especially you and Mg since your new to your ability's
Freya: do we have a backup plan if things go sideways
Andrea: (sighs) no we have on shot at this if we kill Malivor now the monsters will come early and I don't think we are ready for that
Freya: out of everyone even the students who wants to fight what are the casualties
Andrea: most of the students will be sent to Lockwood mansion so probably we will have 100 students or less plus the wolves and us I can't say how many casualties until we know who wants to fight and who wants to stay behind
Hope: Freya Josie and Andrea help me with this barrier spell so he can never escape the rest go in the armory room get all the students and the wolves in their to it will be big enough

Everyone nods and starts heading towards the armory room
Andrea: all right what spells do we use
Hope: I'm thinking anything that can trap someone who uses magic a just in case he tries to escape we set a trap or something so where alerted If anything happens

They nod and casting 30 spells

Hope: let's head to the armory with the others

Once their in the Armory Hope slides her way through everyone to get in the middle

Hope: Alright listen up if you do not want to be apart of this war in anyway please go to the upstairs living room

About almost half of the students left

Hope: if you just want to be the medic go in to the cells

Only about 20 people left

Hope: ok now who here doesn't know how to fight

Basically everyone raised their hands

Hope: (sighs) ok the people who do besides Josie and Mg you will help the people who don't know how to fight in the backyard who is the Alphas

One girl and one guy stepped up

Girl: I'm Lucia I taken over as Alpha until you or Keelin return
Guy: I'm jake I'm taken over since Flinch is no longer here
Hope: ok you two with me everyone outside Josie and Mg also I need you to come with me

Hope: Alright Lucia and Jake I want you both to spar with each other while I train Josie and Mg

They nod and walk a little farther away

Hope: ok Mg have you tried to do a spell or use any of your abilities yet
Mg: I only vamped I haven't done anything else
Hope: ok Babe have you tried anything
Josie: I vamped and did the spell on Malivor
Hope: ok this is going to take a while but we will get you both use to your new abilities in no time
Andrea: do need a little help
Hope: yeah
Andrea: I got you

Andrea snaps her fingers and a training course is set up
Josie: wow
Andrea: mom used this same spell for me a newbie werewolf's
Mg: this is so cool
Hope: Damn
Andrea: well let's get started

Monster 1: this is taking too long he said we will be free (growls)

Monster 2: we will then we will take over the world

While all the monsters are arguing they don't see two people in the corner hiding

Unknown 1: we need to do something
Unknown 2: what the hell are supposed to do why did even agree to do this stupid plan with you
Unknown 1: to help our daughter
Unknown 2: I want to help out daughter but I think my plan is better you know the one you yelled at me for and now we're in hell
Unknown 1: your giving me a damn headache this is a good plan once the gates of hell open we can help our daughter with destroying the monsters and we get to stay in the real world
Unknown 2: do you realize that it's possible we won't stay in the real world for long considering we are stuck in here for 2 weeks with monsters and I doubt the spell your mother cast will keep us there for long
Unknown 1: do u want to save our daughter or not
Unknown 2: of course I do I just also don't want to have a one on one conversation with you know who
Unknown 1: she loves you she won't reject you
Unknown 2: it's not just the rejection I'm worried about if everything does goes great but we have to go back to the afterlife not only we are breaking our daughter's heart It will also breaks hers
Unknown 1: I don't want to break our daughter's heart and you won't break hers we will succeed and stay in the real world with the rest of our family I will promise you that and you two will get your chance
Unknown 2: thank you
Unknown 1: no problem little wolf we stick together Always and Forever
Unknown 2: Always and Forever
Short chapter 1637 words

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