Problems pt 2(26)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
Andrea: damn change of plans Lizzie Mg your coming with us Ms. Forbes stay here and be alert of anything
Lizzie: I'm not going anywhere
Andrea: ok ad somnum
Mg catches her
Andrea: let's go we don't have much time
At The Mikaelson mansion
3rd Person's POV

Andrea: ok first of all we need to figure out everything she knows which is probably not much so can do head dive
Hope: I'll do it
Andrea: I'm going to cast a truth spell on her too
She whispers the spell under breath at the same time Hope dives in Lizzie's head

Andrea: it's going to take a minute while we wait Mg can you catch everyone up on what's going on
Mg: uhh yea sure umm Lizzie has been with doctor Saltzman almost 24/7 of the day Flinch is always with her too and not in a friendly way I caught them once leaning what looks like it was going to be a kiss but she said it was nothing i don't believe that (sadly) doctor Saltzman keeps going in the woods like a lot oh and Penelope came back to the school for a hot minute then left so suddenly all she said was be extremely careful something is happening and left she came back to situate some stuff since she just up and left last time but didn't stay long
Andrea: ok it seems like she caught on too

Then all of a sudden the room glows red the see Hope hands still on Lizzie's head but both of their hands are glowing
Mg: now that's new
Josie: Andrea what's going on
Jordan: their not the only ones in their someone else is too
Jordan speeds towards Hope and takes her place knocking her back a bit
Andrea: NOOO Damnit Jordan
Hope: what's going on
Andrea: Jordan took your place in Lizzie's head someone else is in their and I can tell what ever you saw had your emotions going all over the place
Hope: yeah that's because I took me all the way to the beginning
Josie: what do you mean
Hope: it took me back to when you two were born
Andrea: someone is trying to buy time and distract us someone call Mrs.Forbes and ask her where Alaric is
Mg: on it
He takes his phone out his pocket had dials the number he had her number but never used it
While mg is calling Caroline Andrea checks on Jordan he seems ok thank god
It was really dumb of him to jump in like that without a spell knowing he hasn't done it in a while
Mg: Mrs.Forbes said he went into the woods and never came back
Andrea: ok where going to need Jordan like now
Josie: how are we supposed to unlink him to Lizzie's mind
Andrea: that's the thing we don't we have to wait

It's been 10 minutes Andrea is stressing the fuck out every time someone opens their mouth to tell them information Hope is trying to keep calm and not go in the woods alone without back up Josie is trying to keep her calm and detract her and Mg is just helplessly sitting their next to Lizzie and Jordan thinking of his and Lizzie future together which is hard to do because Lizzie is making it more difficult on him then when he was pinning over
Jordan facial expressions change almost every minute
Until finally he opens his eyes
He takes a big breath in like he was holding his breath or something
Andrea: Jordan are you ok
He's breathing like really hard and he's heart is racing too fast
Andrea: hey relax it's ok I'm here
She puts her hand on his chest she can basically feel his heart like she is holding it in her hand with nothing in the way
Andrea: baby I need you to relax breathe with me
She breathes in and out slowly
It takes him a minute but he follows her breathing really slowly
She can still kinda feel his heart racing but it's slowly down
Andrea: hey what happened talk to me
Jordan: (takes a deep breath) they have been erasing her memory they tell her information if she has to do something she does it the the erase her memory they Mrs. Laughlin they tried her blood to get the spear and of course it didn't work they don't know they need Josie's blood yet they also tried Alaric's nothing Malivor has a death date he doesn't have long since he doesn't have a vessel so before he dies he wants to rule the world and destroy all supernaturals especially Hope he death date is literally 1 week after the war by the way Alaric is terrified he keeps seeing Klaus and getting dreams that he's going to die
Hope: well that's his fault he knows not to mess with me or anyone I care about
Jordan: I think it takes him almost 2 years to get the spear that's around when the war happens
Josie: so how do we do this
Andrea: I figured out that if we stop the war before it happens and before he gets the spear everything should go back in place
Hope: why didn't you think or mention that before
Andrea: first of all time travel doesn't come with a damn manual and i thought it was going to work or it was going to change the timeline I'm still not completely sure so I'm going to run it by bree
Josie: I ment to ask earlier but I bree just a witch
Andrea: yes but since she got r**ped she wanted to get away from everything so I suggested she go on time missions with me but sometimes she can't go so if theirs a possibility something can change the future present or past I run it by her to see if anything will change
Jordan: also Lizzie is linked to them like if she says something she shouldn't she will die and she knows that she can't remember everything but she remembers some she has been pushing everyone away and she has been trying to figure out how to be just a siphoner again she thought if the medallion traps Hope malivor will leave her alone she wasn't going to tray Josie with her to keep you both safe but she needs Josie for the spell the Lizzie in the future is still a heritic and she's going crazy she can't deal with it that's why she is trying to do everything in her power to be just a siphoner again she can't take it anymore the Lizzie here is trapped and she wants out
Andrea: ok that kinda explains it so if we make Lizzie just a siphoner again she won't try and kill mom every chance she gets and will be better
Jordan: yes actually the Lizzie from our time blames Hope for turning her into a vampire so the heightened emotions is intensifying that hate and that blame and she knows if she kills Hope she would die too
Andrea: she want to die before she was getting help in our time she almost turned her humanity off but mom snapped her neck and got aunt Freya to help her
Josie: so the plan is defeat malivor before the war happens and turn Lizzie back to just a siphoner again
Andrea: yes
Josie: ok how the hell do we do that
Mg: well Lizzie was trying to bring your uncle back
Jordan: yeah that's because Mrs. Laughlin is not cooperating much she doesn't like the plan at all so Lizzie's mission was to get Kai back so he ca help malivor because like the psychopath he is he probably will be willing to do that we need to get Mrs. Laughlin back she knows how
Hope: ok let's pay Alaric a visit
Josie: what about Lizzie
Hope: can put her in a room and spell her in there Mg you can watch
Mg: alright
Mg walks over to Lizzie and picks her up and Hope leads him to the guest room
When the get in their Mg places her on the bed
Hope: theirs a mini fridge full of drinks and snacks and blood and a bathroom and...
She takes a bracelet out her pocket and hands it to him
Hope: press this if theirs a emergency if you have information just call
Mg: got it
Hope walks out the room to get Andrea
When Andrea comes to the room she closes the door and places a barrier spell that only she can take down
When she done she goes back to everyone else
Andrea: barrier is up
Hope: ok let's gear up just in case
Josie: gear up?
Hope: yeah follow me (smiles)
They all head downstairs to the basement where klaus's torture chamber is
Andrea: mom what are we doing down here
Hope: my dad used this basement to torture people I found a secret room and I made it a weapons room and theirs gear dangerous spell dark object and other things
Josie: that's what you were doing down here
Hope: yes love didn't want to ruin the surprise
The basement is huge
When they get to the other end all the see is a wall
Jordan: umm now what
Hope: use your eyes and tell me what you see
Josie: Hope we are using our eyes
Hope: your other ones

They all use their werewolf eyes on when of the bricks theirs a M on it Hope pushes it and a secret door open
They step in while Hope turns on the lights
The whole room lights up
Josie: wow
Jordan: oh have to get me a room like this
Andrea: where the hell would you build it Jordan we don't have a basement
Jordan: (shrugs) I'll build one
Andrea rolls her eyes
Jordan: (vamps to something covered) ooo what's this
Hope: it's a suit I've been working on every since malivor it's in case I get too weak to fight the suit will protect me
Jordan: cool
Josie: how come I didn't know
Hope: well it's supposed to protect me when I'm weak but I started building it before I turned into a vampire actually I built it when I got out of malivor when you got hurt I wanted to build something to make sure nothing like that will happen at first I built it for me but after spending time with you and going after the oni I built it for you the suit is basically covered with my blood and magic any malivior weapon or his blood can not hurt you or get to you if you wear the suit I had stopped building and sent it to Freya to keep it safe
Josie: you built a suit for me
Hope: yes I'm so paranoid to lose the people I love I built a suit to protect you and keep you safe because I can't tell you what to do and say you can't go on missions with me I was going to build more for keelin and divina and baby nik since aunt Freya and uncle Kol is afraid to lose them but I haven't finish the calculations on this one to see if it works
Andrea: baby nik?
Hope: yeah when he's older we still have enemies and he don't actually know if he will be a supernatural mostly likely he will since Vincent is he's father and Freya is his mother biologically
Jordan: wait
He lifts up the cover and it reveals a bright red suit
Jordan: it is it
Andrea: is what
Jordan: every since that whole lecture Hope gave me about protecting you and when Josie announced she was pregnant with baby eli
Me and Hope have been working on suits for the family using her blood we built ten of them but we're still got some stuff to work on
Hope: did this one work
Jordan: yes but you changed the color to black and made the rest red the only problem was the head of the suit we mostly built more for the ones who can't come back to life or when someone claimed or actually found something to kill the Mikaelson family
Hope smiles knowing she did something to protect her family and it worked
Josie: why me it because I'm the weakest
Hope: no babe it's because I'm pretty sure you don't want to become a vampire at least not so young you were the first person I thought of at the time then as we were having a family day Divina and Keelin mentioned they didn't want to be vampires but I haven't even finished this one yet
Andrea: can this actually protect momma from malivor
Hope: umm yes the head part is not finished and theirs only some parts not finished
Andrea: we can used this to our advantage if malivor comes after momma Jordan you will help mom since you built it before right
Jordan: ok princess
Andrea: now before you get to that let's get some weapons and pay Alaric a visit...
2217 words

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