Another one (39)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
3rd Person's POV

The day is October 24th 2033 it's been a crazy couple months ups and downs more up than anything but still Kol and Davina had a daughter named Nicole Mikaelson Kol named her of course while Davina was unconscious of course he got hit in the back of the head because he named her after himself but Davina wasn't really mad of course she really wanted to name her Angel or Angelina but Kol wanted to name her after himself they decided on those two names but Kol took the opportunity to name her after himself Davina was unconscious from yelling at Kol and tired from giving birth so she woke up the next day
Keelin and Freya had another son named Jonathan Mikaelson and baby Nik is two steps closer to going to the Salvatore boarding school
Hayley and Rebekah are recently married Marcel decided to stay single focusing on being the King of New Orleans and Klaus has been helping Caroline remodel the school Josie has been working on being a nurse at the school while Hope helps out the new werewolves and the kids with self defense Mg and Lizzie are engaged Mg decided to wait a little longer to not put pressure on Lizzie to propose Lizzie has made a lot of progress her and Hope even started becoming friends everything was going smoothly

Hope is outside helping the kids in self defense until she got a call from Caroline

Hope: hello
Caroline: Hope their has been a missing orphan report but the story of the new parents who adopted him are not adding up and he might be a supernatural since their has been supernatural activity coming from the new parents house
Hope: ok I'm on it
Caroline: I also sent your dad there
Hope ok

Hope: ok everyone listen up I'm going give you guys free time until your next class you can study take a nap or whatever just stay out of trouble and don't skip your next class and I mean it if I hear anyone missed a class for no reason their giving me 50 push ups for the witches everyone else has to 250 alright

Everyone nods knowing Hope is serious most of them set an Alarm or just decides to study
Hope gets inside her car and speeds off to the house she sees her dads car like a block away so she parks near him and get out the car she walks a little closer to the house and see her dad just standing by the bushes it's kinda creepy

Hope: dad what the hell are you doing
Klaus: I'm hiding what do you think I'm doing
Hope: just standing there apparently what's going on
Klaus: 6 and half year old orphan boy he is a werewolf I don't know if he triggered he curse or not but my guess is he did
Hope: why do you say that
Klaus: the full moon was a week and a half ago and the neighbors has not seen the little boy come out around that time and 2 weeks ago their was and accident at his school according to him him and his friends got on the rooftop some how they were playing around when one of them pushed him making him bump into a girl she slipped and he tried to save her but he wasn't strong enough she died his friends try to throw him under the bus but their where cameras and also a video of the other boys plotting to get him on the roof and push him off the boys were 8 the girl was 7 she has been his friend his whole life she was like a sister to him she followed them on the roof when they went up there
Hope: jeezz a can't imagine what he's going through
Klaus: his new parents where furious after then few days later full moon came and no one has heard from the since
Hope: what's his name
Klaus: William
Hope: last name
Klaus: nobody knows they never gave him one and he never had one he has been in the orphanage since birth
Hope: ok well let go

They walk up to the house and Hope knocks on the door it takes a minute but someone opens it its a lady
Lady: hi how may we help
Hope: ma'am we are her to discuss the kid to adopted
Lady: ah William yes what about him
Klaus: may we come inside
Lady: yes you are both welcome in

They step in and look around a bit
Lady: would you guys care for some tea or water
Hope: no thank you may ask is your husband here
Lady: no he's at work

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