After party disaster (31)

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Previously on The True Future Threat

Hope and Josie smile at each other as Josie flashes her new hybrid face and so does Mg as he looks up at them with a smile
Hope: I love you
Josie: I love you too

They kissed again savoring the moment knowing the war that is coming
At the Mikaelson house backyard
Hope's POV

I can't believe I'm finally married to the love of my life I could not be any happier

Rebekah: so when's the honeymoon
Hope: with everything going on we haven't decided
Andrea: your going after the war and your going to the Bahamas
Hope: what
Josie: wait really
Andrea: yes no if ands or but about it
Hope: I guess were going to the Bahamas

I slide my hand into Josie's and gently pull her to the table in the middle I pull the chair out for her push it in when she sits down I lean down to her ear so she can hear me

Hope: what do you want to eat love
Josie: did Andrea make that lasagna
Hope: (chuckles) yea
Josie: can I get that and cheesy bread sticks please
Hope: yea what do you want to drink
Josie: lemonade
Hope: ok love I'll be back
Josie: thank you baby

She kisses my cheek and blush then make my way to the food as I'm making Josie's plate I can feel someone's presence behind me and I know who it is

Hope: hello Elizabeth
I turn around and look at Lizzie

Lizzie: Hi
Hope: I assume your here because it's your sister's wedding
Lizzie: I am and I'm also here to talk to Freya
Hope: she's at the middle table eating with keelin
you can come with me I'm going over there anyways
Lizzie: sure

We walk over to the middle table and I sit in the seat next to Josie and slide her the plate and her lemonade
Hope: here you go love do you want anything else
Josie: no thank you baby
She kisses my lips this time
Hope: your welcome

I see Lizzie talking to Freya as I'm eating my pineapples I also see everyone smiling and happy
Josie: why did you only get pineapples because I know Andrea did make ribs and you love them and so does your wolf
Hope: I love pineapples and ribs but she made me a rack of ribs for myself in the oven an I don't want to get my suit dirty but now my wolf wants some thank you very much
Josie: sorry baby but you know your going to share those ribs with me right
Hope: yea yea I know

Then mg walks to us and sit down across from us
With a big plate of meat
Hope: damn man
Mg: hey don't judge I'm a new werewolf hybrid I'm craving meat
Josie: (chuckles) have you used you magic yet
Mg: no I'm a bit scared to
Hope: it's ok we will help you and it also is not going to be that easy being on a animal diet because your wolf would not mind it but your vampire side might fight it that goes for you too Jo
Mg: so what am I supposed to do last time I drunk human blood I started acting like a ripper
Hope: I know tomorrow were going to train you and Josie all of us except for Freya she will be helping Lizzie Davina will help then join Freya
Mg: what time
Hope: 3pm
Mg: why so late I would have thought you would say 7 am or something
Hope: Mg mind your business and eat your meat before it gets cold
Mg: it sounds like your going to eat something tonight instead (whispers)
Hope: shut your ass up and for your information I am going to be eating something to night and that will be my ribs
Josie: our
Hope: our ribs
Mg: (chuckles) okay

I glare at him but then I heard something I looked at Josie and Mg they heard it to so did Jordan who whispers in Andrea's ear not even i could hear him she whispers back then they get up and follow the noise I get up and follow them

Andrea: damn
Jordan: it looks like he did it
Hope: who did what
Andrea: remember when we said that malivor or basically Alaric is bringing papa Klaus back to be in his control
Hope: yes why
Andrea: you might want to get Damon here so he can tell you

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