Do you not want to marry me(28)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
Jossette: one of you are poised
Hope: let me guess it's Josie
Jossette: no it's you
Hope: ok wasn't expecting that but I'll come back
Jossette: no you won't theirs red oak ash in the poison you will die in the next 48hrs
Josie: you have got to be fucking kidding me
Rebekah: well how do we get the bloody poison out her system
Jossette: I don't think you can I don't know it's ester's spell
Freya: of course it is
Kol: well we have to do something we can't just let her die
Andrea: she won't...if you do the ceremony
Josie's POV

I can't believe it

My own Father is trying to kill my girlfriend the one who makes me happy and protects the one who has been with through thick and thin my own Father is trying to take that from me

I can't take it I can't sit and do nothing the love of my life is going to die in 48hrs

Oh my god I didn't even tell her I love her and I might never get the chance

Hope: Babe

I can't let her die

Hope: babe

I won't let it happen

Hope: baby!

I will not let her die I would do everything to make sure it doesn't happen

Everyone: JOSIE!!!
Josie: huh what
I wipe away a tear that dripped down my cheek
Andrea: didn't you hear mom calling you
I look down at the floor
Josie: no

I have been sitting in this same spot since my bio mom said the love of my life would die I felt a bit...numb

Hope: (sighs) we will deal with this tomorrow let's go back to the house
She picks me up bridal style I just lay my head on her holding on for dear life

Freya: but Hope we only have 48hrs we need to figure out how to save you

Hope: I know and we will do it tomorrow we all need some rest
With what Hope said she walks away with me in her arms

Once we get to the house Hope says goodnight to Andrea and Jordan then carry me upstairs

When she set me down in the bed and leaves I start to cry I can't lose her
Hope: babe hey why are you crying
Josie: P-Pleeasse d-don't ll-leeaavee meee (cry's harder)
Hope: hey look at me
I look at her with tears in my eyes she wipes them away but I keep crying even more
She cups my cheeks with both of her hands
Hope: Jo listen to me...I'm not going anywhere ok I'm never going to leave your
Josie: b-but t-the p-poison
Hope: I'm not going come on where going to take a bath then cuddle if you want to talk we can talk
I just nod my head tears still falling down my face

When we get in the tub Hope holds me tight against her chest and I melt into her arms but holding her just as tight
She grabs my chin to lift my head back to kiss my forehead then move my head to kiss me on the cheek both sides a smile as she keeps kissing my forehead head and my cheeks she can't kiss the front of my face because of the way we're sitting but that's fine I'm happy with any kisses she gives me

After we get out the tub we dry off then put on some clothes
After our clothes are on I lay on the bed while Hope lays on top of me I never want to lose her she makes me so happy and safe
I can feel myself starting to cry again and I think Hope noticed my emotion change she got up to hover over me she looks me in the eyes then starts attacking my face with kisses all over my face
Hope: I'm *kiss* not *kiss* going *kiss* anywhere *kiss*
I smile then grab her face to give her a long passionate kiss

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