Mikaelson competition(22)

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Priviously on The True Future Threat

Freya: ok let's worry about that later right now let get ready for some Mikaelson competition
In the Backyard
3rd Person's POV

Jordan: come on Princess
Andrea: no Jordan
Jordan: But we had so much fun last time (pouts)
Jordan is trying to convice Andrea to let him anal fuck her
the last time the did Andrea was paralyzed for a week because Jordan was using all his speed and strength
Even her werewolf healing couldn't catch up
He got put on House duty for a week but if you asked him he will say it was All worth it

Andrea: you call me being paralyzed for a week fun
Jordan: I didn't hear you complaining in fact you were moaning hella loud we had to use 3 silencing spells
Andrea: No Jordan
Jordan: (pouts) Please I'll do anything
Andrea: (Thinking) Fine you have to eat me out until i actually pass out
Jordan: Deal
Andrea: now lets warm up before everyone get here

They get into their stance
They start circling each other to see who will strike first

After a minute Andrea strikes first
Jordan doges the punch
she tries punching him again but he doges that one too
Jordan: your off today princess
Andrea: no im not
she drops and tries to trip him but he jumps over her leg
He finally decides to strike back he swings she ducks and punch him in the ribs
He groans in a bit of pain
she aims to punch him in the face he catches it and hold her with his arm around her neck trapping her
she punches him in the gut and jump puting her leg over his neck fliping him and trap him with her legs around his neck
he taps her legs tapping out
Jordan: you can't go soft on me princess
Andrea: i don't want to hurt you Jordan in any kind of way I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did
she turns around playing with her fingers
He comes up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist holding her tight he put his head on her shoulder and kisses her neck
Jordan: I know princess it was not your fault i need you to forgive yourself

In between Andrea's pregnancy her emotions got out of control if a girl got anywhere near him she goes crazy when he was on a mission he had to carry a girl because she broke her leg she let it go but then she kissed him he did pull back quickly but it didn't hurt any less the next day the girl tried to kiss him again Andrea's emotions got so out of had she blasted everything around luckily it was only then 3 in the hall way but she hurt Jordan even if he said it was ok she vouched to never hurt him again in any way she still feels guilty about it

Finally everyone comes out to the backyard the first thing they see is Andrea and Jordan holding each
They can feel that something went wrong
Josie: is everything ok
Andrea: yeah umm we can start now if you guys want
Rebekah: yeah sure kol and Marcel me and Freya Hope and Josie Jordan and Andrea we are going to train before we spar
Everyone nods
Hope goes up to Andrea to check if she's ok

Hope: Hey Drea are you okay
Andrea: yeah
Hope: even though I don't believe you I won't force you to tell me but if you want to talk im here
Andrea: thanks mom
Hope gives her a hug then heads towards Josie
Josie: is everything ok
Hope: yeah i think she is just upset by something...now let's teach you how to fight
Josie: I know how to fight Hope
Hope: sure you do
Josie: I'll prove it

They start sparring
Surprisingly Josie is holding her own she's dodging some punches
Hope: watch your right leg babe
Josie wasn't paying attention to her she was to focused on fighting her
Hope took that opportunity to trip her kicking her right leg making her fall
Hope: I told you to watch your right leg
Josie: I was too focused on fighting you then worrying about my leg
Hope: let's go again

Everyone is training with their partners for 3 hours until they take a break

Freya and Josie are out of breath Freya doesn't have a lot of stamina and Josie is trying to prove herself so she's working to hard even her wolf can barely catch up with her
The sit down and drink some water and catch their breath Hope is staring at Andrea and Jordan because she's worried about Andrea she saw guilt in her eyes and sadness and now she's like super clingy to Jordan like more then normal holding him on for dear life like he's going to disappear or something but also keeping her distance

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