Captured (32)

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Jordan's POV

I take the tarp off I can't believe she actually did it This thing is sick wait theirs a note

Dear Jordan I hope you like the suit but I need you to go and get Alaric and bring him to the basement I'll join you in the morning
Oh hell yeah
The Next Morning
3rd Person's POV

Hope woke up before Josie she massages Josie's scalp as she thinks
She doesn't want to lie to Josie or keep a secret from her but this war got to end Hope will tell Josie everything but she will not stop what she's going to do

Hope: babe
Hope: wake up please
Josie: (yawns) what is it baby
Hope: me and Jordan are going to go kidnap your father and put him in the basement it's your choice what you want to happen to him because I won't be here I will be dealing with the copy
Josie: (sighs) seriously Hope you do this when I'm just waking up
Hope: I'm sorry baby but this war has to end before you decide what your going to do talk to Andrea and see if your decision will change the future
Josie: (sighs) alright don't do anything reckless
Hope: I won't I love you
Josie: I love you too

Hope leans in to give Josie a kiss but Josie backs away and puts her hand over her mouth Hope pouts

Hope: why did you regret my kiss
Josie: I haven't brushed my teeth yet (mumbles)
Hope: I don't care gimme kiss
Josie shakes her head no so Hope takes her hand away from her mouth and gives her a kiss
Josie: Hope!
Hope: fine I'm finna leave anyways I'll see you later
Hope gets up and heads to the bathroom mumbling something forgetting Josie can hear
Josie: I heard that!
Hope: I didn't mean it!

2 hours later

Jordan: dude I can't believe you made this in such short amount of time
Hope: well the first one was already done it just needed a few things that wasn't hard to get then I just copied all of the modifications and made another in a different color
Jordan: it's sick but what's the plan
Hope: we get Alaric and take down the copy
Jordan: how do we take down the copy we don't have any white oak
Hope: I do I found a tree the last one I know where it is that's why I made the suits so quick it's so we can get there faster
Jordan: oh ok are you going to take enough for a stake then destroy the rest
Hope: yes some of my family are still originals and it can kill us tribrids but we come back it's like a original being killed with a regular staked they come back
Jordan: right (nervously)
Hope: Jordan
Jordan: yea
Hope: you never been staked before have you
Jordan: no or stabbed
Hope: how do you not at least get stabbed
Jordan: (shrugs) I'm a good fighter
Hope: let's go Alaric is at the school

At the School

Hope: I'm going to go talk to him you stay here if I whistle you come out
Jordan: got it

Hope walks a little farther into the woods and sees Alaric but not the copy
Alaric: well look who's finally here
Hope: what exactly do you want Alaric why are you doing all this

She knows why she just wants to here him say it
Alaric: you shouldn't be with my daughter she deserves better
Hope: why can't you be happy for her instead of going out of your way to break her heart and trust
Alaric: because she's with you your not supposed to be together your not even supposed to be here I would be damned if I let my daughter date an abomination

As he talks Hope can see his eyes change to black then a forest green then brown
She vamps him into the wall
Hope: (growls) who are you
Alaric: (laughs) it took you this long to figure it out

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