Bachelor and ette/Wedding(30)

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3rd Person's POV
The guys and Hope

Hope: this is crazy how did you even have time for this(yelling)
Kol: I have my ways(yelling)

Kol invited all the guys from the school and threw a party and of course he invited strippers anyways but Hope payed no mind to them
Kol: alright let's get this bloody party started can I get the bride to be up here (on the microphone)
Hope walks up their and take the microphone out of his hands
Hope: technically I'm the groom
Kol: whatever shot time
He grabs 2 glasses of bourbon
Hope: this not a shot
Kol: just drink it
She looks at it then knows it back
Hope: oh shit what the fuck is that
Kol: it's a secret
Hope: I better not be blacked out drunk later or I'm snapping your neck
Kol: uhuh now it's time for you to get a lap dance
Hope: oh hell no
Kol: yes sunshine get up here
Hope: have you lost your damn mind
Kol: relax Josie doesn't have to know
Hope: have you forgot about the bond she can hear my thoughts sometimes
Kol: oh yeah I forget just block her out
the girl named sunshine walks up to Hope swaying her hips and places her hand on her chest Hope grabs it
Hope: Don't touch me
Sunshine: come on baby lighten up let me take care of you
Hope: (flashes her eyes) I said Don't touch me
Sunshine backs away quickly and runs away
Kol: damn scared the poor girl half to death
Hope: I'm getting a drink

This is going to be a long night Hope thought
With the Girls

The girls are kinda doing something similar
Freya is getting a lap dance by keelin
Rebekah is getting a lap dance by some chick
Divina Andrea and Josie are on the dance floor working the pole all the girls from the school is here even Elena and Bonnie and also flinch but she has kept her distance it's been a hour Bonnie and her mom is probably the most out of it her mom is giving her aunt Bonnie a lap dance and Elena is working the pole with Josie and they are killing it the crowd is throwing money at them
The married or soon to be married are tipsy while everyone is drunk when Josie and Andrea got off the stage to get a drink Flinch came up to them
Flinch: Hey Josie can I talk to you
(The section the drinks are in is a little far from the music)
Andrea: no you may not
Flinch: I wasn't talking to you
Andrea: but I'm talking to you now get to stepping
Josie: can you just leave me alone flinch I'm trying to have fun at my bachelorette party
Flinch: this is a bachelorette party your bachelorette who are you marrying
Andrea: I swear your slow the banner says bride to be and her shirt says soon to be Mrs.Mikaelson
Flinch: why are you marrying are you being forced
Josie:I think it's time for you to leave
Flinch doesn't put up a fight and walks away
Josie: ugh I need a real drink after that
Andrea: I got
Josie: what's this
Andrea: drink it im not finna get you blacked out drunk but it will help
Josie:(drinks it) damn what's that
Andrea: it's something I made you will be a strong tipsy for a while
Josie: ok let's get back to this party
With the guys and Hope

Damon: well look who it is Hope Mikaelson
Hope: Wsp Damon what are you doing here
Damon: since Elena is at Josie bachelorette I thought I would come here
Hope whines a bit at the mention of Josie
Damon: are you ok
Hope: I miss mmy wifeyyy (whines and slurs)
Damon laughs
Kol: well if it isn't Damon Salvatore
Damon: Kol Mikaelson nice to see you again
Kol: like wise now why is my niece pouting and whining
Damon: she misses her wife
Kol: (sighs) at least we know what kind of drunk she is
Damon: how she get drunk that fast she's a vampire
Kol: I gave her something
Hope: w-where's J-Joosiee wwheere's my wifffey(slurs)
Kol: Jordan
Jordan: Wsp
Kol: party is over the groom is drunk and it's going to get worse
Kol: shit
With the girls

Josie: today was fun
Andrea: write I wonder what the guys and mom doing
Then a Andrea's phone went off
Andrea: speaking of the devil...hello
Jordan: Oh my god Hope sit down you will get to talk to her... hey princess
Andrea: is everything ok
Jordan: umm Hope is drunk and whining about Josie
Hope: ooo iss that Jooosiee(slurs)
Josie: I'm right here baby
Josie: yes Hope (giggles)
Hope: I wisss you we'ree are youuu(slurs)
Josie: I miss you too baby we will see each other tomorrow for our wedding
Hope: nnoooo nowww
Josie: tomorrow Hope
Tears start to form in Hopes eyes Josie can see since their on FaceTime
Hope: yyouu d-don't llovee meee noomo
Josie: baby I didn't say that
Hope:yyess yyyouu d-did (sniffles)
Josie: no I didn't baby I would about we fall asleep on the phone together
Hope: (sniffles) ookaayy
Josie: go home first I'll call you on your phone
Hope: p-promisse
Josie: promise now go home I love you
Hope: I-I llovee yyoou ttoooo
When the call ended Josie sighs
Josie: I'm going to bed goodnight
Everyone: goodnight
Josie did keep her promise and called Hope who immediately went to sleep when she answered
The Big Day (I will be skipping half of it)
3rd Person's POV

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