Graduation (38)

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Previously on The True Future Threat
3rd person's POV

It had been over a month now Hope and Josie got back from their honeymoon a week ago they really wanted to stay longer but they had forgotten about school since the war Caroline gave all the students a few more months left until they graduated before the war Hope already graduated but they were a bit busy so they only had a small dinner party that day but the twins are graduating and Josie is doing the best she can to catch up on everything with the help from her wife
Hope: no babe you didn't it backwards here

Hope erases everything and does the second problem for her step by step
Hope: see just like that try it with problem 3

Josie gets started on problem 3 a bit frustrated that she's struggling while Hope is playing with baby nik Freya and Keelin are out on a date and Hope wanted to spend time with him so they decided why not let Hope watch him while Josie does her schoolwork Hope has been trying to take all the stress off Josie as she can so she can focus and graduate Andrea and Jordan have been spending time with their son since it was his birthday yesterday Klaus and Hayley was able to stay in the real world permanently without messing up the time line Lizzie has gotten better and has also been focusing on graduating Marcel has decided to stay in New Orleans Rebekah and Hayley are slowly getting together and Davina and Kol are working on trying to have a baby everyone has been busy lately

Josie: ok I'm done
Hope: (checks it) you got it baby just keep doing that
Josie: ugh whyyy do they need us to solve magic with math it makes no sense
Hope: babe put it this way when you fire a fireball at some one you need to have the right angle and good timing so you can hit your target

Josie pouts because Hope is somewhat right Hope laughs and goes back to playing with baby nik while Josie does her work
4 months later graduation tomorrow
At the school

Andrea: so momma what are you going to do after graduation
Josie: probably have a small dinner party like Hope's

Andrea looks at Hope but Hope give her a look signaling that's not what their doing
Josie: I just want to get school over with
Hope: well today is your last day love you only have 2 more classes left then tomorrow you graduate
Josie: that's still to long (whines)
Hope: no it's not now get to class before your late
Josie: finee I love you
Hope: I love you too

They kiss goodbye and Josie leaves to go to class
Andrea: so what are we actually doing
Hope: how about a pool party
Andrea: ok I'm planning it though
Hope: go ahead I will keep Josie busy
Andrea: alright I will see you later don't forget about the gift
With that Andrea leaves and Hope is confused
Hope: gift what gift
Then it hits her like a brick wall
Hope: oh shit the gift
She vamps quickly to the mansion and go to the secret garage
Hope: oh no dammit
She forgot to finish it how is she supposed to keep Josie busy and build this in time for tomorrow then she got an idea she pulls her phone out and call her parents

Hayley: hey sweetheart what's up
Klaus: hey love hey little wolf what's going on
Hayley: still sticking with that name huh even after everything
Klaus: yes it suits you
Hope: ok guys I need your help are you busy
Hayley: I'm not at the moment
Klaus: I'm free what do you need love
Hope: I need you guys to distract Josie until tomorrow
Hayley: tomorrow Hope it's her graduation not you guys wedding you should be with her
Hope: I'm a bit busy that's why I called
Klaus: now Hope your not cheating on her are you
Hope: what how can you even ask me that dad I'm not I just kinda forgot about her gift that I still have to build
Klaus: what is it anyway
Hope: I'm not saying just letting you know it took the time we got married up to now I had Jordan do some of it but he's with Anthony so now I have until tomorrow to do it
Hayley: alright me and Rebekah can keep her busy for the night Klaus you keep her busy until her graduation
Klaus: what the bloody hell am I supposed to do hey Jossette want to get a pedicure and grab some tea oh and let's go shopping
Hope: that can work
Klaus: I was joking love there's no way in hell will I get a pedicure
Hayley: just do it Klaus have a conversation with her she married our daughter
Klaus: your acting like I don't like her and I had a conversation with her before
Hayley:ok what was it about
Klaus:...Hope it was about Hope
Hayley: had any other conversations about anything other than our daughter
Hayley: that's what I thought we got you but I think Josie is going to know where you are
Hope: oh I haven't thought of I can say I'm doing some recruiting for Caroline
Klaus: I guess you can do that love
Hope: thank you guys so much I love you guys
Klaus & Hayley: we love you too

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