Get Away From Her(13)

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3rd Person's POV

As Andrea and Hope was looking for Josie they saw her sitting at the old mill

Hope: hey Jo are you ok

Josie looks at her with tears in her eyes

Andrea: oh momma come here

She pulled Josie in for a hug and hold onto each other like their lives depend on it

Hope: it's going to be ok Jo

Josie: (sniffles) I just don't know why she never listens to me...all she does is blame me or anyone but herself I just want my sister to support me and be there for me

Andrea: she will come around

Josie: is she like this in your time

Andrea: umm well she still hates mom she doesn't even talk to her she only glares but other wise she has done nothing to me and my brother in my time she volunteers to babysit and everything she just doesn't talk to mom even though mom tried to spread peace when you guys got married she only started barely tolerating mom when I was born she tried to get you with Penelope once even after everything she did because Penelope told her she change so she tried to break you guys up for you to be with Penelope but at the time I was conceived already but no one knew because you guys didn't trust anyone but the Mikaelson family and nana Forbes when Penelope would try to get close it never ended well you were 25 weeks pregnant you were kinda showing but no one payed attention but uncle Mg and Kaleb of course you told them to keep a secret and they did after that mom started noticing Penelope was trying to get too close so Mom told uncle Mg and Kaleb to look after and protect you but Lizzie put a spell on them and locked them up so Penelope can get a chance but they never counted on me getting in the way

Hope: damn what did you do

Josie: I feel like I know where this is going

Andrea: when Penelope touch momma I accidentally saw her memories of her so I saw the almost abuse and everything it set me off so I put a shield around momma not even a siphoner can take it down the only people who come near her is the people momma trusted she used to trust Lizzie with her life but lately they have been distant the only thing she has not tried was killing mom but she couldn't she was just a siphoner even as a siphoner momma was always more powerful Lizzie sees things differently she sees momma as someone she needs to save and mom as the enemy...her and uncle mg got a divorce that's when she lost it he didn't want to do it but she was threatening to kill all Mikaelson blood until there was no more Mikaelson at all not even the people they sired she wanted them dead too since they were connected

Josie: how did we help her

Andrea: in the very very end when Jordan arrived at the school at that time Lizzie was seeing Freya with no magic for now until she gets it together she has made progress we're she's able to take a lil bit of magic but it took over 17 years for her to calm down and accept help she only started accepting it when momma was on the verge to death but me and mom saved her by giving her more of our blood so you can go into transition you was so hurt the blood of the tribrid you got from the bond and your werewolf side didn't help you so we gave you our blood until you were stable it was a lot it put mom in a coma because she didn't want me to get hurt or turn or pass out so I only gave a bit

Hope: what if we have aunt Freya help her earlier

Andrea: that might work we can try aunt Freya is the only Mikaelson she would talk to since she didn't do anything but she still kinda hates her because she's a Mikaelson but she also has to want help you can't just force it

Josie: ok let's do that next week

Hope: ok that's fine with me

Andrea: wanna watch a movie and cuddle

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