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3rd Person's POV
4 weeks later

Every since Andrea and Jordan had sex for the first time they couldn't get enough of each other

They did it every chance they got

But they started skipping class together

And it sure didn't go unnoticed by the headmistress

Right now Andrea and Jordan are in the library we're their suppose to be studying for the upcoming test but instead they are kissing and whispering in each other's ears laughing until they heard Andrea's name on the intercom

Caroline on the intercom: can i please have Andrea Mikaelson to my office please Andrea Mikaelson it's important thank you

Andrea and Jordan look at each other with sad faces

Jordan: Awww I don't want you to princess (pouting)

Andrea: Me either my love but I have to

She gets up and leans down to kiss Jordan

Andrea: I will be right back my love

He pouts some more which makes her smile she kisses him a couple times then pulls away to leave

Jordan: fine I'll meet you in my room you owe me kisses

Andrea: (smiles) ok

As she makes her way to the headmistress office
She tries to figure out why she called her
In the Headmistress's office

Andrea steps in

Andrea: you wanted to see me nana

Caroline: yes dear I need to talk to you

Andrea: about what

Caroline: your grades and you skipping class

Her eyes widen

Andrea: what about my grades their perfect

Trying to avoid the skipping class part

Caroline: more like not perfect

Andrea: (frowns) what do you mean

Caroline: (sighs) Andrea your barely are passing you have only 4 classes you have a D- in every class you might have to repeat the same grade

Andrea: WHAT

she stands up

Caroline: I don't know what's going on because your the smartest person in this I called your parents

Andrea looks horrified

Caroline: And you have been skipping class now I know the reason to that but I didn't tell your parents and you know how they your going to have to tell them

Andrea can't believe what she heard she starts to pace the room because her parents don't really come here often anymore they are normally busy or only come on the holidays or for emergency's

So she knows if they find out about why her grades dropped and skipping class to go off campus she will be grounded or worse...They will forbid her from seeing Jordan

She starts to cry because she plans on going to college her parents have been saving for her to go and now she found the love of her life

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