Trip To New Orleans(17)

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Josie's POV

I woke up in Hopes arms I didn't want to get up I looked over to see Jordan and Andrea gone

I'm so comfortable I look up a bit to see Hope sleeping so peacefully she looks so beautiful the light is doing wonderful things to her skin I just stare in amazement I can't take my eyes of her

Hope: you know it's very rude to stare

Josie: (panics) I-I wasn't s-staring I was gazing theres a difference

She kissed my forehead and looked in my eyes I swear I stoped breathing for a second

Hope: it's ok love

When Hope tries to get up I hold on tight not letting her move

Hope: (chuckles) Jo we need to get ready

Josie: Nooo I'm so comfortable

Hope: Jo come on we need to get ready so I can take you on a breakfast date

Josie: breakfast for our first date...

Hope: yeah unless you want to go out to eat (nervously)

I lift my head up and give her a quick kiss

Josie: Hope I don't care we're we go or what we do I just want to be with you

I snuggled closer to her as soon as I was finna close my eyes Andrea and Jordan bust through the door

Andrea: we have bad news

Hope: what now

Hope tried to get up again but I pull her back down

Hope: (sighs) what is it

Andrea: nana said that Alaric is coming back this Friday

Josie: but it's Thursday

Andrea: exactly by the time he's on his way we will be getting ready to leave we need to leave now and fast I already talk to nana we leave in 4 hours

Hope: damn ok but we have another problem

Andrea: what

Hope: Jo won't let me get up

Josie: She's soo comfortable

Andrea: that's because of the heat from her wolf I always use to climb in bed with you guys when I was little because it's was more comfortable your wolfs body heat made it comfortable when you guys couldn't be their you gave me a white stuffed wolf that has the same body heat as a normal wolf it's really comfortable to the point you don't want to get up

Josie: I believe that

Hope: please get up we will cuddle later all you want

Josie: no

Hope: I promise will you please move I need to use the bathroom

Josie: ugh fine

I let her go and she immediately vamps to the bathroom

I sit up against the bed frame and cross my arms and pout

Josie: it's not fair

Andrea: I know momma I'm the same way

Jordan: I can see where you get it from now

Me and Andrea glare at him then Hope finally comes out the bathroom

Hope: why does it look like you guys are trying to kill Jordan bye glaring at him

Jordan: I think I'm going to sit down

Andrea: yeah you do that...Me and Jordan are ready I sent the pieces together of the medallion to aunt Freya

Josie: wait she doesn't know who you are she might think your playing a trick on her to take the Mikaelsons down

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