Part 2 - Quinn

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(Anastasia's pov)

(Second day)

Finally, it was break although i wish it was lunch. I managed to get to all of my lessons. Not on time but at-least i got there.

As i was on my way to go get food i walked past the same guy whose name i really needed to find out. I'm a nosy girl and i don't give up no matter how hard, seems a bit stalker-ish i know. He was the guy who was in my lessons yesterday. The first time we made eye contact i felt something weird, like a connection but i just can't put my eye on it, everything seems so familiar yet so unknown. I call him 'blue eye guy with a resting bitch face'. I think that sums up everything you need to know about him.

I can't judge as that is my facial expression half the time as-well, when you get to know me i am bubbly (and never stop talking, ask Bailee, she's my best friend. I will always talk about her).

I think i may need a new name for him because as that is hard to remember.

Next lesson was History which i didn't want to go to but i had no choice, when your new again at the school the teachers eyes are on you watching. Also as i already missed the last couple lessons yesterday, my Aunt and Uncle were not happy. My heels were excruciating but we all love Saint Laurent heels and if i have to deal with the pain of the beauty then i will. On the good side i look absolutely stunning. Heels hurt me physically but not emotionally, that's hard to find.

I was going to be late again so i had to quickly walk (slow walking) to History.

"Anastasia you're late" the teacher squeaked with her bright red lipstick matching her tacky red heels that were definitely 2016 style. I do not judge a girl wearing heels though. Good for her

"You are going to work with Quinn" she said, i could have smelled her coffee breathe from before walking in. She pointed into his direction. Oh, he was cute. Maybe not as cute as blue eyed bitch face, i'm definitely needing a name for him.

Quinn had some cute cargos on and an oversized t-shirt. He also had dirty blonde hair which weirdly enough really matched his outfit.

(Quinn's pov)

I think she's new as i've never seen her before around this school. Although i don't know half the people in these classes of mine, am i supposed to keep count? She's different, it would be hard to miss her in a crowd of people.

Putting my hand out towards her.

"I'm Quinn."

"Anastasia" She shakes my hand with a fake smile, at-least she tried.

While talking to Anastasia i thought she would be bitchy but she's really nice. Cool personality. I might know someone who will like her or hate her.

"As your new i'm wondering if you wanted to hang out, i'm sure you don't have a lot of friends." Maybe that came out wrong...

"So you think i can't make friends on my first week at this school?" She raised her eyebrow and her voice at the same time.

"No i never said that, i was just offering" I did say that.

"Fine. But i can easily make friends i just feel bad for you" She scoffed. She's funny, i like her.

But he is going to love her. Matching personality's is always a win.

(Anastasia's pov)

I mean he's not wrong, i don't have many friends at this school but he can't assume that. He doesn't know me.

I guess i will see them at lunch as i can't keep hiding out in toilets. My heels are not made for those floors and the deathly smell. I'm sure rats have died there. Or worse. I shiver from the thought.

As i was browsing outside to find Quinn i heard someone shout my name. The voice i could always remember even if i couldn't remember his name.

Quinn was infront of me waving, doing some of his "cool" tricks on his skateboard, most likely trying to impress the girls. He's not, i hate to admit.

I waved then realised right next to him leaning on the wall was the guy whose name i needed to find out. This was a great opportunity for me as they must be friends. Although it may be embarrassing for me. I either walk away or sit with them. I decide i can't run from things forever and also i am not eating my lunch in those toilets so i go to walk over.

This is most likely going to humble me. Wish me luck.

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