Part 1 - Fresh Start

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(Anastasia's pov)

My first day back..

As i strut through the halls in my mini Prada black skirt which matched with my denim Louis Vuitton bag. I styled my look with a white button up i took from my Aunt and a navy Ralph Lauren jumper. While i received many glances with each tap of my heel hitting the floor, the sound grew louder creating a loud beat in my heart.

Each look i get makes my head drop lower to the floor. Possibly i should of worn my 4 inch heels instead of six. I haven't even arrived at my first class and my feet are killing me.

Finally i reached my classroom

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Finally i reached my classroom. I wish i hadn't because i can't be asked. The lights are too bright.

I sigh and walk in lifting my Fendi Roma leopard print sunglasses back up to my head after falling down. I love the way sunglasses make my hair look, it's something a head band can't do. My eyes are now scrolling the room realising how late i was as there was only one chair available at the back corner.

How amazing is my first impression. Late.

Luckily, it wasn't just me who was late as-well as my teacher. Sitting down i look up and realise nobody cares much that i walked in, it's more a sigh of relief i let out. Except one pair of eyes i feel glued onto me.

(Giovanni's pov)

I watched as she took a seat next to me. I didn't realise i was staring right at her until she looked at me. I didn't look away instead i looked her up and down. Her outfit is abit excessive for school. Are those heels?

"Are you admiring me or what?" A voice loud enough the entire class heard.

She seems confident.

I can't tell if that was embarrassing for me or for her.

(Anastasia's pov)

"Are you admiring or what?" I made sure i spoke loud enough for the whole class to hear.

What was he obsessed with me? Probably.

He was wearing a oversized hoodie that looked like it had oil stains on it. How lovely. He did have the brightest blue eyes though they are very pretty and that jawline is flawles-

No we do not like him.

I didn't realise but the teacher was now at the front of the class welcoming everyone.


The lesson finally finished even though it felt like forever.

I was at my locker getting my books out. I slammed the door angrily and whoever just walked by just ran straight into me. This is the worst day ever. My feet hurt, my books are now on the floor and i was late to my first and hopefully last ever lesson of my life.

"Are you joking can you not see where your going?"

"Shit sorry i was just trying to find where the science classroom was" His voice sounded quite apologetic. Now i feel bad.

Wait don't i have science? Great so now he's in my lesson.

Atleast it wont just be me who's late. I picked up my now dirty books (not like i would be needing them) and was just about to call him out for being clumsy again when i recognised the same face. It was the guy who was giving me staring matches throughout my first lesson.

I apologised quickly and ran off to the toilets because no way am i going to lesson after that.

It's my first day and i think i might just have to drop out already.

I sigh and walk (strut) to the school toilets.

I cant wait until this day finishes.


It's lunch now and i have broken my ankles, cried, gotten lost, cried, starved, cried. The list is endless.

I decide it would be best if i just walked out of school today and gave the next day a fresh start.

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