Part 22 - Regret

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(Anastasia's pov)

I woke up to my head hurting and my neck, realising i was sleeping on his arm. Why was i in the same bed as him?

Oh god.

Last night.

I don't even know what happened i just couldn't say no. It just kept going and i couldn't stop. It was too good. He helped me when i was supposed to be helping him.

I decide to carefully and slowly roll my way off his arm onto the other side of my get then get up.

I roll over and then the next thing i know i'm on the floor. Maybe i was nearer to the end of the bed than i thought.

The more i'm coming back to reality the more i realise how much that hurt.

"Are you okay?" He is now on my side of the bed. That morning voice is so-.

"Do i look okay."


Why did he even ask.

I decide i'm just going to lay on the cold floor because that did not help my hangover it made it worse. I heard footsteps coming closer to me. Why is he walked over?

I feel two strong hands around me lifting me up. My arms automatically wrap around his neck and he places me on the bed.

This is going off to a great start and it's still the morning.

My head aches from the night before and my arm is throbbing from (dramatically) falling off the bed.

"What hurt's?"

Is it that obvious?

Gio can obviously see i'm in pain.

"My arm." I rub it like that would make it better.

"Well that was kind of your fault."

What a bitch.

"It was your fault your arm was there."

Then i remember (again) about last night. Oh god why did i do that. That is all my fault.

Gio gets on the bed while laughing and sits next to me.


"Show me."

At least he cares and isn't running away because of everything (i feel like running away).

I show him my arm and he inspects it. While he's holding it and seeing if there is any bruising i look at his face and not in a creepy way i just love looking at his features. He has a cute nose. I would die for it. He is genuinely so-

"It looks fine." I yank my arm away.

"It doesn't feel fine."

"Your just over exaggerating."

Okay maybe i am.

We both don't say anything and just look at eachother. It's not awkward it's just..

"Guys i am so hungov- Oh did i interrupt something."

Bailee. Shit.

"No you didn't interrupt anything i was just leaving."

"Yeah same." Gio says with a cold look.

"Okay i need a shower and to throw up the rest of the alcohol." Bailee says while running off.

I don't even want to look at him so i just get the remainder of my things and head off. There is nothing i can say to him. He follows behind me as he is leaving too.

"Sorry for last night." I mutter under my breath but loud enough for him to hear.

"Don't be, i'll see you at school." He walks off like whatever we did was normal. Maybe he doesn't remember? That would be worse. Why is he not freaking out?


Sorry for this short chapter!

Love you all💋

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