Part 32 - So many questions?

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Anastasia's pov:

I told him to leave, told him right to his face with tears filling in my eyes. I don't know if i was crying because of what happened or because of how he looked at me. Guilt trailed through my body, ran through my veins.

Why did he act like i was nothing to him? Then he saved my life? Nothing adds up and this is not a moment i want to be thinking about.

Giovanni did what i said and left, stormed off through the crowd of people surrounding me pushing past every single one of them. And i watched as he did so, i felt the regret in my heart, i felt as if it lowered my heart to my stomach from the enormous weight it held.

The reality is, i didn't want him to leave, actually that was the complete opposite. I wanted to get up and push him asking, shouting, screaming at him why, why would he leave me like that when i invited him round for dinner? Why did he not text me back? Why did he save me? He should have left me in that water. I wanted to push my hands into his chest for him to then wrap his around me telling me i'd be okay, because he is the only one i believe. If he tells me i'll be okay i believe his words.

When we were younger i fell off my bike and he ran over. Gio took my hands and helped me up. Blood on my knees and a blurred vision trying not to cry in-front of the boy i have a crush on. Instead of him laughing he told me i'd be okay, rushed me into his house and took a piece of kitchen roll under the tap of water softly placing it on my now crimson coloured knees, the blood already dried a bit. He was right, i was okay. I know the situation right here is very different but his words still feel the same.

Bailee still holding me, i've been there for five minutes in her arms shivering since Giovanni left.

"Guys you don't need to surround her this party is finished, all of you can head home now" Quinn yelled at them all, that was the first time i had heard him shout and it was quite scary, i hope he never does that again. They all listened filing out.

Surely someone videoed this, probably that idiot that threw me in friends. I won't go on my phone for a good week (that is a lie nothing can stop me).

I didn't realise but Quinn must of called my Uncle, i wouldn't say he is protective but he did come running onto the boat looking furious.

Lord i am so sorry for the past things i have done and drunk tonight please save me amen.

I look up at him and he looks down at me. I can't speak.

His face looks very angry so i will just take him shouting at me, i do deserve it.

"Are you okay?" He sighs out like this is some normal thing. I nod my head too tired to speak.

He grabs my hand lifting me up and i take it. He takes me back to his car. I know he's annoyed but he isn't saying anything. I guess that will be tomorrow mornings drama.

"I'm sorry." I say sincerely because i shouldn't have come, i was upset even before i walked in and i thought i could drink the pain away, that's what i did when my Mum and Dad disappeared. My uncle picked me up from most of those house parties and got it shut down, everyone hated me for a week so i had to act sick and get out of school.

Before i get in the passenger side of my Uncles car in the distance before coming down the slight sandy small hill, i can see a cars headlights blinding but i can make out the figure. Gio. What is he still doing here? I can see the smoke from the cigarette he's smoking.

"Get in" My uncle shouts already in the drivers seat. So i quickly do.

"What boy made you go, made you drink? Who pushed you in the water, is it that boy who came round for dinner?" My Uncle weirdly questioned, he had hatred in his voice. That question seemed to roll off his tongue like he was thinking it over and over.

"No he didn't make me go, Bailee took me. I haven't spoke to him since he came round. He was the one that saved me." I exclaimed.

"So he was there." My uncle scoffed. What was that about i thought he enjoyed the time Gio spend with him, Gio was kind. Until he disappeared after dinner.

Why is everyone acting strange?

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