Part 26 - Invite

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Anastasia's pov:

(Part 3 from the last chapter)

Finally, this is my last class of the day! The weeks seem like they are flying by yet the days seem so slow. It's me, Bailee and Quinn in this class. Giovanni was supposed to be here but i'm sure he is skipping.

The bell rings, eventually school is over for the day. Tiredly getting up out my chair i'm sat in the back so i have to walk past Bailee and Quinn.

They stay sat in their chairs when i walk past.

"Are you two not getting up?"

"Detention." Bailee says while Quinn smacks his head on the table and doesn't move.

"How long is it?" I question.

"45 minutes" Bailee replies as Quinn sighs.

"I will not be waiting for you!" I cheerfully turn around out the classroom waving to them with a big smile.

Quinns lifts his head and gives me the finger.

Ugh rude.

Still waving and smiling in there view point when i look in-front i run into a body of muscle. Every single time and it always hurts.



"Why do you place yourself right in front of me when you know i don't look where i'm going."

"You just said that you don't look where you're going and now you're blaming it on me?" He chuckles.

"Yeah because it's your fault."

He drops his arms down to his side like he gave up on our conversation (i won).

I walk out to the car park with someone trailing behind me again.

"You followed me to my lesson earlier."

"I dropped you off."

"I'm not a child Gio."

"Say that again."

"Why would i repeat myself for you?" I confidently say.

"Because i like when you say my name."

That made me feel less confident now. He always has good answers to give.

"Also i drove my car instead of my bike today so i was going to the car park anyway, i was not following you."

That made me feel even less confident..

"Oh, sorry." The only words i could manage out.

He parked his car (a matte black bmw which is my fave colour) far away at the other side of the car park when mine is at the entrance.

I get in my shiny black jeep looking happy because i just got the inside re done. My uncle knows a lot of people so we get it for cheaper and quicker. The interior is pink.

I start my car when i completely forgot i didn't have enough petrol

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I start my car when i completely forgot i didn't have enough petrol. I may of used the last of it to drive to Starbucks this morning, I'm feeling the regret now.

I get my phone out and i know who to call.


"What now i just got in my car."

He pretends he hates me but i know he doesn't.

"I forgot my car has no petrol, i was going to walk to the petrol station but i really can't be asked it's too hot, can you help me pleaseeee." I bring out the 'e' so he knows i really need it.

"Fine, walk to my car."

"Thank you."

Because Giovanni's car is so much lower than mine i always forget and my stomach drops.

"Thank you again."

He hums.

It was awkwardly quiet so i felt the need to make it more awkward.

"What happened that night-"

"Shouldn't have happened. I know" He sounded disappointed (i was disappointed).

"I'm sorry." I don't know why i apologised i just felt the need too.

The petrol station we drove by was closed (obviously my luck). I felt the tension in the air.

"Just drive me home, it's okay i'll sort something out later."

He didn't answer me but started to drive me home.


He pulled into my driveway which already had two cars parked.

My Aunt and Uncle were home.

"Thank you, i really do appreciate it."


I closed the door and was finally able to breathe normally, i didn't even realise i was holding my breath for so long.

That was the first time we talked since the awkward conversation.

I slowly walked to the front door, looking behind me i smiled at him. I don't know if he saw i just wanted him to know i appreciated his kindness of driving me home.

There was a silence in the air that felt weird. Until my Aunt opened the door quickly almost scaring me if i didn't turn around sooner.

"Hi Anastasia."

"Hi?" I weirdly laugh while hugging her. She does annoy me but i do love her and appreciate her for giving me a home when my parents disappeared. I will be forever grateful.

"So who was that?"

"Who was who?"

"I'm not stupid Anastasia, the pretty boy dropping you off, is that who you spend your time with?"

I roll my eyes.

"He is an old friend."

"Then invite him round i'd love to get to know him. This week me and your Uncle don't have work so there is no excuses as every night we are free."

"Great." I mutter under my breath because now i have no excuse to get out of it.

I text him.

He quickly replies and agrees.

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