Part 4 - Birthday shots

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(Anastasia's pov)

I'm driving us to the restaurant as i have the most seats in my car. Bailee does drive but she rarely does and she also has to share the car with her parents.

Bailee says she's invited her friend Amara. Amara is really nice just a loud person. Also her friend Quinn. I'm scared as i've never met him before. He has apparently invited one of his friends.

That's quite odd that we both have a friend called Quinn? Thinking of that i need to tell Bailee about my friends at school. I am guessing she knows them as i started at the same school she goes at. I haven't seen her there yet as she was on vacation.


As if my day couldn't get any worse, we walked into the restaurant to see the mysterious Quinn was MY Quinn. Skateboard dirty blonde hair Quinn. And just to my absolute luck was the other mysterious friend who was invited.


I wanted to run out but my stomach is growling for food and also i did not want to ruin my best friends special day so i had to just try and breathe. I don't think this is going to work out as i'm freaking out.

I squeezed Bailee's hand abit too hard as she yanked her hand away.

"Anastasia are you okay?" She said while rubbing her hand.

I didn't have time to answer as a group of girls swarmed Bailee complimenting her and saying happy birthday. I had a feeling that was my cue to leave and sit at the table.

I think their mouths dropped to the floor too after seeing us in our dresses. I get it though i mean i was confused to see them too or maybe its because we look drop dead gorgeous or maybe it's because this dress is a size too small.

We all greeted each other weirdly. The girls pointed out Bailee's bracelet (i knew it was a great present).

"What are you doing here." I put the pieces together and guessed Bailee and Quinn were friends but i wanted to start conversation.

"Bailee invited me because we are friends from school and i brought Giovanni along, What are you doing here?" Quinn questions.

"Same, me and Bailee have been friends for ages."

(Giovanni's pov)

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

"Where's Amara" Bailee pointed out.

Stopping my train of thought. I don't even know who Amara is if i'm honest i only came here for the food. I shrugged my shoulders and gave a look to Quinn.

(Anastasia's pov)

Bailee and all the girls decided to get the most expensive things on the menu. Amara apparently fell ill but what Bailee has told me before is she can be a lying bitch sometimes. With Amara not here it was a lot calmer and less arguments were started.

Even though you need to be 21 to drink we made it look like it was Bailee's 21st birthday so they gave her loads of free drinks (which we all took). Quinn and Bailee got drunk, so did the other girls but they weren't there for Bailee they were here for the alcohol and to look out for boys. As this place had a bar the girls were off trying to get guys to buy them drinks. I was here for my best friend though and i want to spend as much time with her as i can.

Me and Giovanni were only tipsy. Obviously taking the safer route. I had a few shots but wasn't in the mood for drinking much.

It was already quite late and Bailee was a heavily drunk and i was exhausted and wanted nothing else than my bed.

I was getting tired and looking around the room. I saw a couple walk in holding hands. I looked up and had to look back a couple times squinting my eyes because why did they look exactly like my parents? Who were they?

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