Part 13 - FWB?

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(Bailee's pov)

Jesus i'm so high right now i can barely fucking see.

But what i can see which is so obvious, is the eye contact between Giovanni and Anastasia. It is so easy to see but i don't think anything is going on between them as Anastasia would tell me right?

We've been best friends forever for years and we tell each other everything (maybe even too much). I love her like a sister. We are the brunette and blonde duo except i'm a bit of a fake blonde as my hair was very light brown so it was easy to dye it blonde. The person who dyed my hair was Anastasia. I trusted her and i'm glad i did.

But her and Giovanni, she wouldn't keep this from me. I don't know Giovanni that well but i can easily see he is a nice person, very kind and sweet but can be very serious. I know Quinn very well but right now i don't think he knows who any of us are.

(Giovanni's pov)

She looks so fucking pretty. Her brown eyes are and her glowing face is fascinating. How does she still look good when high? Her eyes still have that spark. Fuck she's stunning. I can hear teachers talking outside. I don't know if it's in my head or not. The smell has probably flown around the entire school by now.

(Anastasia's pov)

He's staring at me and i'm staring back. I love his eyes. I am lucky to have him because whenever i need someone he's always there. He was there even when i was really young. Until i got dragged away from him. I'll always regret it even if i couldn't stop it.


The bell rings for break and that's when we realise how long we had been in there for. We begin to all stand up helping each other up and because it's been some time we can see a bit clearer now. We walk out and the smell follows us with some people glaring at us with weird looks muttering away to their friends. I don't really care unless it's a teacher.

We can't go back to lesson so we all decide to leave the school. Quinn and Giovanni go in one of their cars and i take Bailee in mine. We don't know where the boys are going but we want some Starbucks so i take us off there.

(Bailee's pov)

"Sooooooooo" I say trying to bring the 'o' out longer.

"Whatttttttttt" Anastasia mocks me.

"Welllll you and Giovanni?"

"What about us" Anastasia says confused but has that cheeky fake grin.

"Oh come on you know Anastasia, what's going on? Do you two have something going on i don't know about? Because there's a look there."

"Bailee you would know if we would have something going on. But the truth is i knew him growing up and we lost touch but now we are just best friend again."

"Best friends with benefits?" I say sneakily with a giggly grin.

"BAILEE" She slaps my around my arm.

"We are good friends that's it" She says probably lying.

"Yeah alright. Where even is Quinn and Giovanni?" I ask.

"Bailee you think i have a clue? I'm just glad Quinn isn't the one driving. I just hope we all don't get pulled over."

"I hope so too" I laugh

(Anastasia's pov)

Me and Gio are only friends that were very close and have good history. Now Bailee has caught on that me and Giovanni might stare at each other a bit too often. I don't really know why. It's all confusing.

Maybe he doesn't see me how i view him?

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