Part 31 - Trouble in paradise

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Giovanni's pov:

(part 2 of the last chapter in his view)

Quinn invites me to set up the party on his yacht but i had stuff to do. Stuff to do means sort my bike out.

I knew Bailee would be coming, Quinn brought it up. If Bailee is going to the party that means Anastasia is too. It was rude me not texting her back but her Aunt and Uncle are right, what if she's not ready for this? What if i make her worse? All i want is for her to be okay and if that is without me then that will have to be. I will have to live through the hell of living without the one girl who makes me happy. The one girl who makes my life less miserable.


I arrive late to the drunk people and girls in tops that barely cover and skirts that don't do the job they are meant to. I grab a plastic cup on the side and fill it with water.

Girls try to flirt but it doesn't go too well for them when i just walk away. Hopefully they understand the point.

I've had enough and go to the back of the yacht. Pass Quinn on the way who is flirting with as many girls as he can, he isn't bad looking but the bigger reason is because he tells everyone he owns this yacht so they want to get with him, it works but it's not his yacht, not technically. It's his Dad's. Don't even know if he told him about it.

The further back away from people is where i want to be. The gold doorknob i pull revealing a few people making out. It's not a big room but it's also not small, it does have beds either so they're not doing anything too sexual. I just sit on a counter somewhere, i don't know what this room would be for, possible storage? Not anymore though it's storing horny kids.

This girl walks over, i can't get away now. I roll my eyes and pull my head up from looking at my phone.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" She speaks seductively like she actually cares why i'm here. She has black hair, she's quite tall, dressed in a flimsy cheap dress. Everything different than my Stasia.

She puts her hand on my shoulder and i shake it off. I move my body an inch away from her looking in the opposite direction. Why do these people want to make my life more miserable?

She moves her body an inch closer to me, fucking great. The smell of sex and whiskey seeps off of her, maybe that's her breath in my ear whispering some weird shit to me. I have to leave.

She grabs my jaw out of nowhere and places a kiss on my cheek, i freeze, i should have walked off a long time ago. I look ahead to find the door when my eyes set on the one girl who makes my world spin, makes it worth living for, always has, always will.

Fuck, she would have thought i wanted this, in this room full of people making out, this was the quietest space. I push the girl off, i would have anyway even if Stasia wasn't here.

I find myself walking towards her, i shouldn't but my legs are doing finding the way. She's frozen in her spot, i can see the tears collect in her eyes. I walk closer but she spins away, her long hair now in my view instead of her face. I follow behind her pushing past all the people.

A guy grabs her, pulls her over his shoulder. I stop, who is this? Does she know him? She must do. Maybe she came to the party with him.

My thoughts stop when she's thrown into the water, she was drunk, i could see it in her eyes and the way she walked. I knew she had too much for her to take, she can't be in the water. She definitely did not come with him, she may not even know him?

Everyone surrounds the edge of the boat while i'm stuck behind.

What's going on?

I make my way through every one of them. Don't care if i push them over. Phone lights are scattered on the water, it's dark, it's night, it's hard to see in the sea. I was the only one who saw exactly where she landed in the water. She wasn't swimming up, there was no bubbles no noise. She was going to drown.

Bailee worried behind me, people running over. I jump in. I can't find her so i swim a bit deeper. My fingers touch a soft arm and i grab her. Pulling her to my chest because i never want to be this far without her again. She's awake, she's shivering and moving slightly. She's cold.

I swim to the surface and carry her up the yacht. Quinn's shouting at people but i don't bother listening. Bailee runs over with a towel, i place Stasia on her. Trying to get her warm. She throws up, i don't know if it's because of the sea water or alcohol, or both. People back away but i come closer, so fucking worried.

She's shivering while Bailee warms her with the towel and wiping her soaking body, she's crying her lips shake and i don't know if that's from trying to hold everything back or because she is cold. I feel my heart sink for her, i did this to her.

"Just go." I am glad i can hear her speak but those were not the words i wanted to hear from her. I deserve it, i know i do. I will leave if that is what she wants. I do the one thing i don't want to do.

I leave.

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