Part 3 - "Happy 18th"

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(Anastasia's pov)

"Hey Anastasia this is my friend Giovanni" Quinn pointed out. Quinn looks between me and him seeing there is some tension.

Giovanni looked at me with a big smile "I think we've already met" he laughs to himself.
Although he is laughing i don't find this situation funny. So i stare back at him.

I nodded while embarrassed, he probably thinks i'm a right bitch shouting at him on the first day. Deserved may i add.

"Cool tattoos" i say to try make this conversation not as awkward as it already is.

(Giovanni's pov)

Her face went cherry red with embarrassment as she probably remembers shouting at me. I remember.

She compliments my tattoos.

"Thank you."

She's still staring at them while i thank her. I got them randomly done by a friend who had a tattoo gun, stupid i know.

"You got any?" Trying to pull out the conversation, i want to know her name, she seems intriguing.

"No i would never get a tattoo i'm scared of needles"

"Your scared of needles?"

"I don't like the pain" She awkwardly laughs it off.

She doesn't like pain but is wearing the tallest high heels to school.

(Anastasia's pov)

Of course i have tattoos why would i be so stupid to say no. Sometimes i hate what comes out my mouth, i regret things but can't take it back, it's already been said. He's going to see my tattoos. How many times can i embarrass myself this week.

The lunch bell rings which saved me from this awkward moment. I'm so thankful it's nearly the end of the day. I cannot wait. I wish Bailee was here.


Finally getting through those boring lessons it's the end of the day and i'm so grateful. The only thing on my mind is Bailee!

I am so excited i am one of the first people out the car park, hopping up into my shiny black jeep i call my best friend.

"Happy 18th birthday Bailee!!" I scream into my phone.

I am still quite annoyed she missed my first day of school because it was her birthday and she took a week off as she went on holiday. I needed her with me. Luckily, she came back from her vacation the day of her birthday as we always spend it together.

She spends my birthday together and i spend hers together it's just what we do, we always have done.

She thanks me while laughing. I ask her to come to mine later as i brought her some amazing presents which i still haven't fucking wrapped yet. That's literally not my fault (it is i forget a lot) but school has been busy.

Parking my car up in my Aunt and Uncles huge drive i get out and unlock the door throwing the keys onto the side.

I slouch on the floor of my bedroom getting all the wrapping paper. I start to wrap her gold (we are silver and gold friends) Chanel bracelet which has her name on it and also a Dyson hair dryer as hers is on her last legs. I'm sure the buttons don't properly work on her now old one.

The thing is with Bailee is she cannot make decisions to save her life so i've had to buy her this.

I open my wardrobe scrolling through all my dresses and pick out a dress me and my mum matched, it was stunning. Vivienne Westwood red luxurious satin, shaped right around your waist fitting perfectly and slightly off the shoulder. I then change my heels into another pair of YSL except these pair are a lovely crème and gold and a smaller heel. We always go out for each other's birthday. This time i don't know where.

The doorbell rings and i run down the stairs, opening the door to my best friend who jumps in my arms

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The doorbell rings and i run down the stairs, opening the door to my best friend who jumps in my arms. Gosh i missed this girl so much.

(Bailee's pov)

I haven't seen Anastasia in what feels like years! (It's been a week.) We go to her kitchen sitting at her marble island which i am in love with.

"So how was your first day of school, i need all the details, every. little. detail"

"Embarrassing, boring, stressful, tiring and the list goes on. But this is not about me it's YOUR birthday!" she replied not the way i wanted her too. I wanted to gossip, i live for it.

"Anastasia this is the first time going back to school after your parents disappearance, this is about you, i know it's been hard."

"Im okay" she added but i knew she wasn't. Anastasia hides her emotions all the time and you'd think she would be good at it but you can read her like a book.

"By the way i booked a table for us and some of my friends tonight. And you are coming, i know you hate meeting new people but we always hang out on my birthday."

(Anastasia's pov)

She's right, i hate meeting new people but id do it for her.

"Presents first!" I screamed.

I took her hand running (dragging her) up the stairs then sat on my carpet in my room. I gave her the first gift.

Bailee slowly unwraps her gifts and i hate it because i'm always so quick. She likes keeping the wrapping paper. I get so excited for her even when i know what's inside.

"Oh my god! A Dyson hair dryer!"

"See i needed one of these but i'm so shit at making decisions." Bailee said but i think we all knew that. I wont tell her though. Maybe tomorrow but i'm not that mean as it's her birthday.

Passing her main present (the Chanel bracelet). She slowely unwrapped it then realised what it was.


"YES I DID!" we squealed and she jumped on me hugging me.

The gold Chanel bracelet (which matched with my silver one) also matched with her gold Chanel necklace. This bracelet was always out of stock but i managed to get it for her. She deserves it, she's been here for me through thick and thin and i'd do the same.

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