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"Davina!" The moment I stepped into the bar I regretted it. Jane's voice pierced through my ears and echoed through the bar. I haven't worked with her in so long and I was kind of liking it. Jane rarely worked, she picked up a few shifts here and then but for the most part, she didn't need to money. Lucky for her.

"Hey" I tried sliding past her and to the back room but she stopped in front of me and wrapped her arms around my figure. She was on her tippy toes while squeezing my still body. To anyone else, this might look weird.

"I've missed working with you! Natalia's in the back she starts when you start" her arms were still around me, swaying us back and forth. I let out a weigh of relief when I heard Natalia's name. As best as I could I moved my arms to wrap around the lower part of her back, as her arms were constricting my biceps and shoulders.

"Nice" she placed her hands on my shoulder for a moment before fully pulling away and grabbing a rag from the counter. "I'll see in a minute." I waved shyly.

"You too." As I opened the back door the front one creaked open and invaded the bar with voices. Thank god I wasn't on yet.

"Davina, finally, did you not get my text?" Natalia got up from a chair and stood in front of me in an attempt to seem mad. Furrowing my brows I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and shook it in front of her face.

"Chargers Broken. It died on my way here." She rolled her eyes at me before kissing both sides of my cheeks.

"Alright... forgiven. Anyways what I texted you was-" I walked to the charger that was meant for everyone and plugged in my phone. "- to come in early today so that we could chat, this is our first shift together in so long, oh and did you see Jane's here too? I wonder who else Bill put on the floor today" I laughed and shook my head.

"We'll let's hope this is it for the night, there are already quite a few people on" I silently prayed that Bill himself wouldn't come in today. I wasn't in the lord to be yelled at.

I pinned back the sides of my hair and tied my waist apron on. Natalia held up her makeup compact and started applying the boldest red lipstick ever.

"I have positive vibes today" she winked before stuffing her makeup in her apron. Before I could reply the door opened and caught both of our attention. "Never fucking mind" she whispered.

Just great.

Bill walked in with an unknown person behind him. The man looked pretty young, so young that it made me question if he was allowed in the bar. "You two" Bill pointed at us with two fingers. "Meet Elliot, one of you gets the pleasure of training him today, I don't care who it is just make sure he knows the basics by the end of the day."

Me and Natalia looked at each other silently, without words we knew exactly what the other person was thinking. Holding back a sigh I decided to look back at Elliot. He held a pile of things in his hand and a little smile on his face. His hair stood out to me as it was a light blue colour. It was kind of messy but not so much that it looked unprofessional. I mean how professional can a bar be, to begin with though?

"Hi, I'm Vee, this is Natalia" I gave him a hearty smile "I guess we can- switch throughout the night?" I said looking Natalia's way, her eyes went hard and I almost laughed.

"Sure" she drew on. The moment those words left her mouth Bill mumbled a 'perfect' and walked to his office. "You'll be with Davina for the first have." I really did not want to spend half of my shift training the new guy. But since I was going first it might be over sooner than expected. Natalia patted my shoulder and walked out onto the floor.

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑦.Where stories live. Discover now