Chapter 25

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Justin pov

Going home was so much fun, I had to resist the urge to laugh because Marcel kept cracking jokes.

Immediately I reached home the gate man opened the gate for me and I heard Marcel "wow, captain your house is amazing and freaking big".

I just smirked and said "wait till you enter inside".

Have never really appreciate my house because of its luxury and loneliness in it but seeing how Marcel love it makes me want to show it off.

Immediately I parked the car and we got down, when my bodyguard saw Marcel they all brought out their guns and pointed it to him.

"Wow, ca...... captain what's going on?"

"Put down your guns"
I said.

I could see the confused and shocked expression on their faces.

Well I don't blame them because I never bring anyone into the house.

Immediately they dropped their guns I could hear the heavy sigh that came out of Marcel mouth.

"Young master welcome home", they all said in unity.

And then I heard an annoying laugh saying "young master".

I can't imagine myself saying that.

"Boys point your gun at him", when I gave the order all of them brought out their guns and pointed their guns towards him.

"Ca...... captain am sorry" I just made my way to the door and turned towards him "call me young master."

"How the hell do you want me to call you young master."

"Then shot him!"

"YOUNG MASTER" I heard Marcel shouting it over and over again.

The satisfaction I felt in my chest made me smile.

"Put your guns down" I said and Marcel came running to me "fuck you".

"You still have the mouth to talk" I said.

Immediately he zipped his mouth and we walked in.

"Ohh my God am in heaven, captain I knew you had money but I didn't know your house was this big."

As we made our way upstairs into my bedroom Marcel was shocked that no words could come out of his mouth.

"No words I say is used to express how much I love your house."

Immediately we settle in, Marcel immediately jump on my bed I just left him to be behaving like a baby.

I went into the shower and thought of what had happened in the car.

Marcel was just like me but while him was a lively person and hides his pain behind his smile I make people experience what I felt.

I was lost inside my thoughts when I had a big bang on the bathroom door.

"Captain come out I need to take my bath."

I ignored Marcel and took my towel and rapped it around my waist before coming out.

"Wow God captain you have a body of a Greek god."

I just rolled my eyes but inside me I was smiling why wouldn't I have.

But I used the towel to cover my scar from my stomach.

"You know captain if I was gay I would have fallen in love with you."

Immediately I heard that I gave Marcel a disgusting look and he immediately ran to the bathroom.

I just put on my Favorite pijamas black and brought out one for Marcel and kept it beside the bathroom door and went away.

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