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Season One, Episode One

"wednesday's child is full of woe"

"wednesday's child is full of woe"

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"WHERE YOU HEADED?" my brother asked as i got up from my seat. I'd been sitting around in my dorm for about half an hour after sparring with Enid. 

"Out, i'm bored- make sure you turn off the lights before you leave" I informed him as i left without another word. Truth was Xavier wasn't even supposed to be in my dorm, i'm guessing he just wanted to space away from Rowan? Who knows..

That's when i had noticed it was raining and went outside with no umbrella. "Shit" i muttered under my breath. I internally fought on whether or not i should go back to my dorm to retrieve an umbrella or just hurry through the rainfall. I chose the latter.

On my way there i ended up catching a glimpse of a familiar raven haired girl before hearing some scraping above. Both of us looked to the sky as a statue came crashing down towards Her. In a selfless act, i tackled Wednesday away from the falling object and knocked her unconscious in the process.

"Wednesday, are you okay?" i asked as i looked at her shut eyelids. When she didn't reply i reached down and pinched her cheek for a reaction and there was still none. "Great..what did i do now."


Wednesday finally opened her eyes as i was drinking from a cup of water i had just acquired. I turned almost jumping as i noticed her sit up suddenly. "Holy- jesus that scared me" i sighed as the female looked around confused. 

"Where am i?" Wednesday was quick to ask.

"You're in a bed in the nurses's office. She said you don't have a concussion, but probably have a nasty bump" I informed her before taking a seat on the next bed from hers.

"The last thing i remember i was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self-disgust" Wednesday looked over at me. "I've never felt that way before." 

"Yeah well, Bianca sometimes has an effect on you" I nodded looking over at her. 

"Then i looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and i thought, at least i'll have an imaginative death" she glanced from the floor back up to me. "Then you tackled me out of the way..why?"

"Is there really a need for an explaination?" I scoffed as Wednesday just continued to stare at me blankly. "The good in me, the selflessness that i have implemented in the back of my head."

"So you were guided by latent chivalry the tool of patriarchy, to extract my undying gratitude?" Wednesday stated as i held in a chuckle.

"You know most people just say thank you when you save their lives" I responded disconnecting our eye contact. 

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