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Season One, Episode Two

"woe is the loneliest number"

"woe is the loneliest number"

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CONFUSED, TIRED AND FRUSTRATED was what Lucas was felt after his encounter with Wednesday last night. After that night, he went straight back to the school not attempting to give an explaination to his brother or Enid. Once back at the Academy he went straight to his dorm, shut the door behind him and tried to force himself to sleep.

Not only did that not go according to plan, but i almost got no sleep at all. It took me almost all night to get some rest and it was only for an hour before i had to wake up for classes. Ajax tried to get a word out of me but i remained silent. 

So i got up, took a shower to hopefully wake myself up and just in case that didn't work- some coffee should do the trick. I sat down drinking my coffee as i stared at my phone, for a second i had completely forgotten what i was supposed to be suspicious about.

"Lucas, i need your assistance" i heard from that oh too familiar voice i had become to loathe. My eyes rose from my device to the raven haired girl. 

"What do you want?" I growled as i tried to look away from her face.

"The Sheriff doesn't believe a monster attacked Rowan last night, even though both of us clearly saw that thing in the flesh" Wednesday stated as she waited for me to respond which i didn't. "Turns out Rowan is alive and well, somehow."

"What? You're lying" i finally spoke. 

"I saw him with my own two eyes, go ask your brother if you think i'm lying. Or better yet go find himself yourself- i'm sure he's roaming around here somewhere" She challenged. 

"Okay whatever, maybe he survived so what? I'm not going to help you anyways" I stated not removing my eyes from my phone as i scrolled through social media.

"Is this about that prophecy? It's incorrect Lucas" Wednesday brought up after a few moments of silence. This caused me to look at her once again.

"How are you so sure huh? How do i know you're not lying to me just to get my off your tail" I argued. 

"You're pursuing this little photo just like Rowan was too aren't you? I'd hate to spoil the outcome but i won't be destroying this school due to the lack of care i have for it" Wednesday remarked causing me to clench my fists.

"We'll just have to see about that won't we?" I responded as i got up from my seat and stormed off away from her.


A few hours later i somehow managed to get through my classes even with almost no sleep at all. I was actually looking for Rowan because i couldn't get what happened last night out of my mind space and i had to check up on him. He was my brother's roommate after all.

TOLERANCE, WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now