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"my new woe"


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CONFUSED WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. I had no idea what in the world was going on in Nevermore any more, who managed to make that entire sign with nobody catching them? There was no way that the entire academy was out at the same time. Even during outreach day there was a few people still at the school.

Principal Weems quickly left us behind to make her way downstairs and see this up close and personal. 

"Who do you think did this?" i murmured as me and Wednesday still stood on the balcony.

"If i'm being honest i don't know. But i'll be determined to find out" Wednesday admitted. We stood there for a bit longer before making our way out of the office and towards the dorms. The students of nevermore had the same ideas, considering most of them we're scrambling in the hallways.

When we arrived at Wednesday's dorm and it was pretty awkward to say the least, neither of us had spoken since we started walking. "I appreciate you helping me out with my family, and this case. I hope you're not still of the belief of that theory" she broke the silence.

"I stopped believing that a few days ago, you've been doing too much to try to assure the schools remain's safe rather than destroy it" i scoffed.

"Well, i'm glad you're seeing clearly now. I wouldn't want you to get on the wrong side when things come into fruition" the pig tailed girl said as i smiled.

"Why? You starting to care about me?" i leaned against her door frame as she walked into the dorm. 

"Non sense, i simply want to make sure that nobody that i- know of get's hurt" she hesitated on her words which caught my attention.

"So, you accept that we're friends?" i inquired noticing that Enid wasn't here.

"If i say that i do would you promise not to mention it?" Wednesday turned to face me.

"I can't make any promises" i shrugged as Wednesday had this nervous look on. I could tell she was really thinking about what she wanted to say next. 

"Lucas, i wouldn't mind if from this day forward we move on as f-friends" she flickered her eyes from the floor to my goofy smile. "Wipe that grin off your face before you regret it."

I raised my hands and stopped leaning onto the doorway. "Sorry, just couldn't believe that the Wednesday Addams wants to be associate with me."

"I'm already regretting this decision" Wednesday muttered as i laughed.

"So, wanna hang out sometime soon- like tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Don't push your luck" She warned. I rolled my eyes beginning to walk away when she spoke again. "If i need to speak with you i'll come to you."

TOLERANCE, WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now