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Season One, Episode Seven

"if you don't woe me by now"

"if you don't woe me by now"

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I walked after my brother all the way up to his shed. He seems to always go there when he's angry, probably to let it all out by painting. Ever since they've come to nevermore he's seemed distant but, nothing came as close as how he's been acting lately. 

It seems that ever since Wednesday has showed and all this creature shenanigans, he's been more cranky then usual. When he heard me cracking open his shed door i could hear a groan coming from him.

"Xavier you need to stop running away from your problems" i said as i scanned the paintings on the wall. 

"Why did you follow me brother?" Xavier asked as he wet his paint brush.

"I can't check on my flesh and blood? My best friend?" I crossed my arms finding myself next to him as he began to paint the new canvas.

"We both know we're not as close as we claim to be, dad and man made sure of that. But if you wanna have a brotherly bond so bad, then pass me some more water colors and tissues" he remarked as i scoffed doing as he asked. "You and Wednesday...."

"Are friends" i finished his sentence for him.

"But you seem to act like more than that. Hanging out together, showing up the mayors funeral together" 

"We we're heading there together, it has nothing to do with us dating or whatever you think we're doing" i told him as he inspected my facial reactions. 

"You we're under the same umbrella, almost holding hands at one point" 

"Wh- what? Did you have nothing else to look at? Why we're you just staring at us?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"If you're dating you don't have to hide it from me you know that right?" he reassured me as i began to make my way to shed door.

"Have a good night brother" i rolled my eyes before leaving him to be.


I knocked on Wednesday's door twice, voices speaking inside. "Come in!" 

I entered inside seeing Wednesday seated and a bald figure near the windows. "Who's this?" both me and him stated simultaneously.

"Lucas this is Uncle Fester" he introduced me to her uncle. "Uncle Fester this is my....friend, Lucas."

"Nice to meet you Lucas" Uncle Fester offered me a handshake which i took and in return got a shock. 

"What the- that wasn't cool man" i groaned holding my palm as i could see Wednesday smiling.

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