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Season One, Episode Five

"you reap what you woe"

"you reap what you woe"

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"LUCAS! STOP!" someone shouted as i stormed into my dorm ready to claw my eyes out. I almost slammed the door on their face once i enter my room. "Hey! That could have broken my nose!"

I turned around with a frown looking at my roommate Ajax. I crossed my arms and awaited for him to speak, not really bothering to say a word at the moment. "What happened? I saw you and your brother yelling and then you stormed away" he questioned.

"That's really none of your concern is it?" i crossed my arms. "Why did you come in here?"

"Well, first of all we share this dorm together. Second of all i wanted to check on my best friend. I don't have family trauma like you but it's sad to see you in a state of distraught" He told me as i stared at him blankly.

I didn't have the strength to reply to his comment and just sighed taking a seat on my bed. "Talk to me" Ajax pleaded.

"I think i just- i need a good night's sleep first alright? I'm running on low right now, mental capacity for the day. My brain should get rest before i continue on with any of this stress" i held my forehead as a bit of a headache came upon.

"Alright, just know that i'm always here to talk okay" he reassured me as i nodded before changing into my sleep outfit and getting some good night's rest.

The very next morning i was abruptly awoken to the sound of two people bickering. I peaked over my covers to notice Enid and Ajax trying there hardest to be quiet. "Hey uh guys, a good mental note. Take the conversation outside of the dorm if you don't want me to wake up" i spoke up catching their attention.

"Oh, sorry" Enid apologized quickly as i sat up.

"What are you guys-" i went to reach for my phone before i was interrupted.

"Lucas, Eugene got hospitalized last night. It was supposedly the same creature you and Wednesday have been eyeing out for" Enid spilled out earning a glare from Ajax.

"What?! At what exact time?" I quickly asked.

"We don't know probably the same time as the Rave'n. Wednesday found him after she stormed out of the dance" Ajax shrugged.

"I actually think it was probably during the paint splatter from the mayor's son" Enid voiced her opinion.

"What? No way that'd be too early-"

Eventually there words blacked out of my mind, and i was thinking back to everything that had transpired last night. I was keeping an eye on Wednesday the entire time until she took off. There was so much going on at that moment that i couldn't exactly pinpoint everyone's location.

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