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Season One, Episode Seven

"if you don't woe me by now"

"if you don't woe me by now"

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I WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT I DIDN'T SEE WEDNESDAY UNTIL OUR DATE. So i avoided her all day to make sure i didn't spoil the surprise. I made sure to buy and pack everything we we're going to need for the night, because you never know with Wednesday. That includes buying a movie we we're planned to watch. 

I was thinking about buying legally blonde as it would definitely be completely against what Wednesday thought was a good movie but decided to go with something different. The thing is Wednesday said she'd never be scared by a movie, but she's only thinking about movies intent to actually scare you.

What i needed to do was think outside of the box, and i would have it ready by the time we we're gonna have our date. There i was picking out a outfit for the date in my dorm when Ajax showed up. 

"What's up man?" he greeted me.

"Nothing much, you?" i asked not looking away from the drawer.

"Yeah, pretty boring day if you ask me" he spoke flopping onto his bed face first. "What are you up to?"

At the sound of his question i had to make sure that i wouldn't spill any information about where i was going tonight. That included not acting suspiciously or dropping any teases that i was planning to go anywhere. 

"Getting some clothes together to take a stroll. Don't want to head out there looking like i'm going on a jog again" i said making up a quick excuse. 

I put on my favorite red and white tee with a dark colored jacket on top. "Well i hope you don't get kidnapped or something while you're gone" I heard Ajax mutter as i cleaned up.

"That'll be the day that i would perform a concert for the academy" i scoffed looking at my phone at the time. 7:30 PM. We we're scheduled to meet at nine so i had get going within the next half hour.

I waited until Ajax went into the backroom before leaving the dorm and slowly make my way through the halls of the school. I caught notice of Bianca with Yoko laughing and having a good time. And my mind continued help but wander on the whereabouts of a certain blonde werewolf. It sucks seeing a person who's usually uplifting others, down themselves.

I had to make sure she was better, but i didn't have much time. I needed to arrive before Wednesday and make sure everything was set up. So i mentally noted that i would see her another time. And with that i left the school.


I leaned against one of the statues in front of the crypt awaiting the arrival of my date. And low and behold she had arrived just on time. "Wow you made it, i was worried you chickend out" i smirked.

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