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Season One, Episode Seven

"if you don't woe me by now"

"if you don't woe me by now"

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THE RAIN WAS POURING ALL OVER US AS WE STARED AT THE MAYOR'S FUNERAL. Every adult and kid from our town stood next to the casket as they spoke words for him. Me and Wednesday stood under one umbrella for the both of us. We had decided not only to attend together, but to keep our new relationship quiet for now.

He's family cried sitting down next to his casket as my eyes scanned the area. We knew that the killer was here, standing around watching as people mourned mayor walker's death. They were standing innocently among us, plotting their next move. 

The mayor's wife was embraced by Sheriff Galpin as i saw Tyler glance over towards us hesistanly. I could tell he was rather confused seeing both of us attend here together. We didn't want it to be too obvious though, deciding not to touch each other in any capacity.

Ajax comforted Enid as everyone slowly began to disperse from the funeral. "I'm going to go with Enid and Ajax, make sure they're okay you good on you're own?" i asked already knowing the answer. Of course Wednesday could take care of herself but it didn't mean i can't worry.

"I can take care of myself, you go on" She said as i nodded walking out from under our umbrella. The rain had just begun to stop so i didn't need one anymore anyways. "I better see you later, or else."

I paused in my tracks to turn and face her. "Or else what?" i grinned as Wednesday blinked thinking of a answer. 

"There are many ways to torture you Lucas, don't try to play this game with me" 

"I guess we'll just have to see don't we?" i said backing up and then jogging towards the others.


Me, Ajax, Enid and Yoko hung out for a while after the funeral. Enid and Wednesday still hadn't made up even though i promised Enid i would get it situated. But i did, it seems like Wednesday either forgot or got busy. 

But i was beginning to figure out that Enid might break before Wednesday does, barely being able to contain herself from returning to her dorm and reigniting the friendship once more. 

"Anybody seen Wednesday around since the funeral?" i asked as we sat in the quad eating. 

"Nope, i thought she was with you for a bit actually" Ajax said which made me lower my head onto the table. Where'd could she have gone?

"Oh yeah, i saw her run off right after the funeral. I didn't know where to though" Yoko informed as i lifted my head to look at her. 

"You didn't she where she could have gone?" i inquired as Yoko shook her head. What caught her attention to take off like that? My head was hurting from all this thinking i'd been doing in a short amount of time.

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