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"woe confessions"


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DREAD. It was all i felt the next morning. If the night wasn't bad enough, i woke up from the news that the Mayor had passed away. Even though Sheriff Galpin informed us that he was barely alive, it looked like inevitable was just being prolonged.

Then he had the Wednesday issue. Everything had just been going so fast with her, one day we're friends, the next i feel like we're more than friends, and now she's pushed me away all together. I just really hoped she would find me instead of me having to go out and get her attention.

"Hey, you ready for the funeral tomorrow?" Ajax asked noticing i had woken up. 

"Do we have to go?" i groaned. No disrespect to the Mayor but i didn't want to a attend a funeral of somebody i hardly knew. I'd rather just send my condolences or support the family. In this case the Mayor's son. 

"Yes, i'm pretty sure everyone's going to go" He told me and i was about to groan when he spoke again. "It excuses our classes that day."

"On second thought, i think i will attend" i informed him with a smile. "So how are things with you and Enid?"

"We're doing pretty good, not sure if we're official yet though. Add on the shit that went on yesterday, and that's we're we are currently at" the gorgon sighed.

"Yeah she's going through a lot lately, you can thank Wednesday for that" i nodded sitting up on my bed.

"Speaking of the devil, how's it going with you two? Yall had a talk about...what happened?" Ajax brought up.

"She's trying to avoid me, push me away. And honestly, she's succeeding" I rubbed my eyes getting out of bed.

"Lucas, this is the first time in you're life you are falling for a girl. Don't let this pass, because you never know how this could affect you in the future" he nudged me as i walked toward the bathroom.

"Affect me how? Let me guess because i didn't date my first crush i'll never get over her and die alone" I scoffed.

"Hey, you're denying it now..." Ajax purposely didn't finish sentence. Lucas flipped him off before closing the bathroom door. 


I ended up strolling through the hallways and making way towards Yoko's dorm. I wanted to check on Enid after the argument she had with Wednesday. I know she probably didn't want to leave her dorm, but she was tired of being used by her so called best friend.

I knocked on the door twice and not suprisingly Enid opened the door with a tired expression on her face. I glanced inside and saw Yoko listening to music on her bed. "Lucas?! What- you never come to greet us in the morning!" the blonde stated.

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