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Season One, Episode Eight

"a murder of woes"

"a murder of woes"

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"WAKEY WAKEY HIDEY" i gently slapped Tyler's face until he finally woke up. 

"Welcome back" Wednesday coldy looked at him.

"Where the hell am i?" Tyler asked.

"Somewhere where no one can hear you're screams" the pigtailed girl said.

"What's with the chains?" 

"Don't ask stupid questions" She told him.

"Wednesday this is crazy, i'm a normie" He said putting on this act, of course nobody was budging.

"That's only half true" The raven haired girl grabbed the photo of the fencing team. "Do you recognize her? Perhaps if i hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo i would have noticed your's sooner."

"Yeah that's right buddy, we know you've been spewing out lies since we've met you. You're father fell in love and married an outcast" I crossed my arms.

Tyler glanced from me to Wednesday as she went to grab another piece of evidence. "Fine my mom was outcast, it doesn't make a monster."

"According to her personal medical records-"

"You stole her medical records?" he asked dumbfounded at this all.

"Technically Thing did, he took them from you're garage. You're father's quite the pack rat" She cleared up. "Her postpartum depression triggered her condition."

"My mom had severe bipolar disorder"

"We both know that's a lie" Wednesday approached closer to him. "She was a Hyde. And you're father has been living his life in dread, never really quite sure whether or not she passed her condition onto you."

"Are you all really just gonna stand there and let her do this to me?!" Tyler raised his tone teary eyed.

"Uh guys, Enid just texted" Ajax spoke up. "Thornhill's suspicious. How long until he morphs into  that... thing?"

"I'm not the monster" He said causing me to begin chuckling out loud. 

"You are. I saw it in a vision at the weathervane" Wednesday opened up her bag. 

"Wait- you're basing this off some vision you had after we kissed?" Tyler spoke as my eyes twitched from the words. He's describing it as if they both agreed mutually to do it. That's not the case. At least, that's what he was told... "I mean is that something you can trust?"

"Wednesday what are you doing?" Bianca asked noticing her pull up a sharp tool. 

"Just some light torture, don't worry i won't leave a mark" 

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