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Season One, Episode Six

"quid pro woe"


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"HE'S ALIVE" Sheriff Galpin informed us as he took a seat at our table. "Barely. I'll take you back after i get you're statement."

"We already gave it to your deputy" Wednesday spoke up. "Blue Cadillac with no license plates."

"Yeah, i know" He replied pulling out a recording. "I want a better one." He sure is a peristent one isn't he? "What we're you two doing in the back of the Mayor's SUV?"

"We just happened to see him exiting the gates mansion." i answered sitting back.

"The gates mansion. What the hell we're you doing there?" He interrogated.

"House hunting" i gave him a fake smile as the Sheriff rolled his eyes.

"I overheard the voicemail he left you. I was intrigued, Lucas didn't know. I brought him here thinking we we're doing something else" Wednesday lied for my wellbeing. I looked over at her with a confused expression as she refused to meet it.

"Back when the Mayor was sheriff, he used to have a lot of wild theories on cases that he couldn't solve. So we'd dissect them over pie, sitting right back there in that booth" he montioned to the booth behind us. "Most of the time they went nowhere."

"Call me old-fashioned, but when someone is run over on their way to give police key information, it usually means they we're onto something. And all signs point to the Gates family and that house" Wednesday brought up.

"The gates family" He couldn't help but find a bit of humour from all of this. "How they're all dead. Every last one of them. And i don't believe in ghosts."

"Well than maybe you should cause something is not right" I said standing up and beginning to walk back to nevermore. Wednesday didn't take long to catch up. "Why?"

"What?" She looked over at me. 

"Why did you do that? I was just as much responsible as you we're. Yet you stuck up for me...why?" i questioned.

"I didn't want you to get in trouble for something i started" Wednesday explained. 

"This is as important to me, as it is to you. I'll take the blame" i told her to which she furrowed her eyebrows. She seemed to be interested in my actions lately, taking mental notes about them accordingly.

"It's also because.." she paused causing me to stop walking to hear what she had to say. "For some reason i cannot indulge, you like me."

My eyes widened at her words. "What? Where'd you come to that conclusion?" i quickly denied.

"Back at the Rave'n and if i had any doubts, yesterday made it clear" She stated. "Am i wrong?"

"I- i'm not sure" i whispered in response now avoiding eye contact. But i could tell she looked towards the ground trying to process the response. 

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