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Season One, Episode One

"wednesday's child is full of woe"

"wednesday's child is full of woe"

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"ARE YOU GOING TO EAT THAT?" said Xavier across the table from me. He was referring to the lunch that we purchased not too long ago. We had decided to get some food for the trip back to nevermore for the new semester.

"Go ahead knock yourself out" i replied handing over the slice of pizza on his plate. Unlike Xavier, i was actually pretty pumped to return back to their school. It was a really great experience being an outcast last time, and it didn't take long for him to fit in with the rest. Xavier on the other hand had just decided to break up with his girlfriend Bianca.

Although i usually don't typically care about his love life, this definitely peaked my interest. As much as i pried to get the information on what happened between though, Xavier wouldn't budge. That wasn't gonna stop me from finding out- me being the peristent person i am.

Our parents we're so tired of us bickering over the break, that they didn't even take us back this time. Instead they we we're taken by a servant and after being scolded right before. Xavier tried to not disappoint our parents and only chose to speak to him from time to time. But the real reason they haven't argued yet is probably because Lucas didn't care to do it. Yet.

A few more hours passed and they had finally arrived at Nevermore Academy. Looking just as dark as the last time they left it. This brought a smile to my face as he stepped out and stole a glance at the scenery. "You done admiring? I wanna unpack already" Xavier inpatiently says.

"What's the rush? Not like you have a girlfirend or something to meet" i remarked looking from the academy to my brother's annoyed expression. Xavier simply rolled his eyes and walked ahead of his twin leaving him behind. "If you see her tell her i said hi!" i exclaimed at the disappearing figure that was my brother.

I took my time admiring the school's halls as i greeted familiar faces on my path. It was then that i was almost tackled into the ground from a hug. I was quick to fight them off but calmed myself seeing the wide smiled blonde with blue and pink highlights at her ends.

"Lucas! You and Xavier arrived late this semester and i just couldn't help but worry for your wellbeing's!" Enid's muffled voice said into my back. I slowly but surely removed her hands from around my waist and put some space between the two of us.

"Let's keep some distance from each other alright?" i told her to which she nodded with a smile. I thought back to what she said and had even noticed how late they arrived, maybe that was what Xavier was hinting at earlier. "We had to come back to school by ourselves this time. Our parents we're tired of us fighting- or whatever excuse they had to not travel" i informed Enid who seemed to be listening in closely.

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