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Season One, Episode Two

"woe is the loneliest number"

"woe is the loneliest number"

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"IS THIS FOR REAL?" i asked as my eyes lingered on our villainous harlequin themed boat and costume. Did they really expect me to join there team and commit to this ridiculous outfit? It's no wonder why they haven't won yet, they probably focus too much on their design rather then winning the actual race.

"Damn right man, team Amontillado takes this stuff seriously" Ajax grinned as he continued to paint there boat with the other team members.

"A little too seriously..." i muttered under my breath before wiping off my hands and standing up. 

"Where you going?" He quizzed watching me gather my belongings. 

"I'm headed for my dorm, i've done enough helping for the day. It's time to do personal objectives that don't require the help of jokers" i commented beginning to walk away from the team. 

"Hey, will i see you tonight?!" He called out as i pretended i didn't hear him and continued moving. 

I hadn't seen my brother all day, and i was beginning to get a little worried that he got himself into trouble. Or worse that creature that attacked Rowan returned once again and got it's claws onto my brother. I mentally noted to check on him later tonight after i get finished with my personal time.


On my side of my dorm i had paintings on the wall off my past drawings, and photos of my art that i made near my desk. I had no idea actually what i was going to draw this time, i just felt like i mentally knew exactly what i had planned. That was, until the moment came and i stared at the  page blankly. 

"Shit.." i murmured closing my eyes trying to remember what i had on my mind earlier. That's when it came to me, and before i knew i began to sketch and draw without thinking about what exactly my endgoal was. 

The final product ending up being something i had not been expecting to draw at all. It was the creature, the one i had briefly saw that night it attacked Rowan and Wednesday. I don't know why it was on my mind and what inspired me to write it- but there it was. 

That's when i flipped through the pages of my book and saw that i drew the same creature before but this time from a different perspective. "Jesus, i'm losing my mind now.." 

After i face palmed, i decided that i just needed a walk, so i went outside taking notice that it was not too far from night now. While i did my stroll i had saw Wednesday sneak out of my brothers dorm seemingly unnoticed. I wasn't going to let this one slide, even though my mind was telling me to leave it alone. 

As she tried to make it back to her dorm i cut her off at the staircase making her bump directly into me. "Where do you think you're going? Nah scratch that- what we're you doing in my brother's dorm?" 

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