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Season One, Episode Three

"friend or woe"


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"WHAT DID YOU GET?" I hear someone ask from behind me as i turn to a certain blonde werewolf with a wide smile on her face. 

"Uh- weathervane" i answered after a second to recall what i was assigned to. "Sorry, just- having a bunch of thoughts in your head at once isn't really my forte."

"It's fine, i get what you mean. I just hope i get paired up with you're roomate" She sighed.

"Oh, you mean Ajax?" i smirked. "Well i did kind of overhear what he's volunteer job was- and i" I paused purposely to get a look at her face bright up at the sound of her gorgon crush. 

"Well?!" Enid raised her voice searching for the answer.

"I'll leave as it a surprise" i grinned before making my towards the bleachers and finding a seat near the bottom. 

As Wednesday and Xavier slowly approached the gathering, i couldn't help but not pay attention to what announcements the mayor and the principal had to say. My mind was still trying to figure out what Wednesday's true intentions could be. She says that she doesn't care about what happens to the academy but is still sneaking around for clues.

I snapped out of my thoughts when we were sent off to our respective jobs. But as i made my slow walk towards my assignment i could but help overhear that Wednesday and Enid had switched jobs for the pig tailed girl to investigate more.

"Jeez, the girl can't just sit back for a second without sneaking around" I shook my head as i felt a hand slid around my shoulders. I didn't have to look over to know that my brother was the one who did the interaction.

"Enough staring brother, time to get to work" Xavier said before pulling me inside weathervane with him.


Tyler had shown me around the shop and given me the outfit as my brother glared from afar. Unlike my sibling, i didn't have much issue with the sherrif's son. I know he bullied him in the past, but i didn't feel the need to use that same anger Xavier had and direct towards the teen.

I never had a bad interaction with him, even when he was still a jerk it wasn't more then a few sentences. Xavier always seems to get into trouble due to the popularity of our father. I'd prefer to avoid all that conflict and approach that attention with a non negative mindset.

Anywho, the day went on with almost nothing of relevance happening in the shop. I did my job cleaning plates and taking orders before glancing over at our brother who had begun a conversation with a familiar face.

"I thought you we're supposed to be at Pilgrim World" Xavier grabbed her attention as she spun around. 

"I deserted it while my sanity was still intact" Wednesday made her way over to the counter as Xavier leaned against it. I probably shouldn't be listening in on their conversation, but- who am i kidding? I'm one to be nosy.

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