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Season One, Episode Five

"you reap what you woe"

"you reap what you woe"

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"WEDNESDAY! WEDNESDAY! WAIT UP!" i shouted jogging after the girl. She wouldn't stop though, she had this determined look on her face that almost scared me to death. It was like she was ready to murder somebody. We'd been moving for a while now, it looked like her father was being taken into custody.

"What do you want Lucas" she growled still not stopping.

"I want to help" this got her to stop in her tracks. "I know how it feels to be without a father figure there for you, my dad was never really good to us after my mother passed away. I wouldn't want that for you."

"Do you really think you could help me?" the raven girl asked turning to face me.

"Yeah anything, no secret motive to capture you- nothing. Just looking out for a..." i paused as she raised her eyebrows at me. "A friend."

Before i knew it we were locked in a staring contest as i looked down at her dark brown eyes, and her staring back at my blue ones. I could of sworn that i being drawn closer until she broke the eye contact watching the sheriff drive back to his station. "Alright then, i need you to wait for me outside. Once i'm doing having a chat with my father i will tell you what we plan to do."

"Where do i-" before i could finish my sentence Wednesday entered where they we're holding her father. I sighed and found a bench nearby where i would sit down and wait it out until she came back outside.

What the hell just happened? I usually have a snarky response ready to tell her but today i didn't feel like it at all. I just wanted to be there for her in this situation which is one again, out of character for me. And then that moment where we stood there for a moment just staring at each other. Gosh it was all so confusing.

"You sure this isn't about a certain pig tailed girl?" 


"I know you've been eyeing her"

"Alright Xavier, this isn't some competition. If she's cleared i want nothing to do with her afterwards"


I lied. Of course i was feeling something for her, but it's always good to push away those feelings before they get too strong. I might be too far gone though. 

"Lucas!" i was snapped away from my thoughts by the same girl i'd been day dreaming about. "We have to go, or are you backing out?" 

"What- no way. Let's go" i quickly got up from the bench and followed after her as we made our way down the street. "So, what happened in there?"

TOLERANCE, WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now