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Season One, Episode Seven

"if you don't woe me by now"

"if you don't woe me by now"

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I WAS AWOKEN BY A HAND PLAYING WITH MY FACE AS I SLEPT. At first i thought it was some a roach or a spider on me, only to find out it was just Thing. "What the- Thing?!" 

Thing threw a pillow at my face, hitting me directly in the nose. "You better count you're days" I warned pointing at him as he roamed away to hide behind Wednesday who had a michevious grin on her face.

"I will admit seeing you get all hostile is definitely appleasing. I'm intrigued if i'm rubbing off on you" She said as i hopped off the bed.

"Hardy har, now move so i could put on my clothes" i told her as i reached down to change into his clothing he took off last night. 

"We have a lot of work to do today, trying to get to the bottom of this case one and for all" Wednesday told me as i finished putting on my outfit for the day.

"What do you have planned babe?" i purposely added the word at the end to get a reaction out of her. 

Wednesday eye's twitched at the sentence but decided to pretend like she didn't hear it at all. "You'll just have to see. Now hurry we have to get going." 

"Yes mam!"


As we walked through the quad we we're greeted by Bianca. "Come with me. I have information about Mayor Walker's murder" she said.

"You don't have to ask me twice" i told her before she led us down to the nightshade's libary.

We walked downstairs to find the mayor's son with a couple of papers in his hand. "What do you have for us?" Wednesday inquired.

"Printed these off my dad's computer. Seems he was..trying to track down someone. Laurel Gates? Looks he started right after Outreach day" He said handing them over to the raven haired girl.

"He must have recognized her there" She said looking at the printed sheets.

"According to the British police, Laurel was presumed drowned. But no body was ever recovered" He continued.

"Apparently the Gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90 year old candy heiress. She then mysteriously died and gave all of her belongings to her caregiver. Teresa L. Glau." Wednesday summarized as we looked at with confused faces.

"It's an anagram for Laurel Gates" 

"So, Laurel secretly buys her old house and them comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why?" Bianca quizzed.

"Revenge on all the people she blames on her family's misfortunes. Your father, the coroner, my parents. And most of all Nevermore" Wednesday explained.

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