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Season One, Episode Six

"quid pro woe"


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"THIS DAY IS BEGINNING TO GET WORSE BY THE MINUTE" a certain pig tailed girl groaned as she was awaiting my signal. In the mean time i was able to steal a glance and she looked furious being in this situation. 

"Alright, it's finished" i announced causing her to instantly get up off her stool and head towards the door. "Hey! Where you going?!"

"I could care less about your painting, and i've wasted enough time here. I have to get back to my search" She said opening the door as i scrambled to grab my stuff and follow after her.

"Wait hold on, at least let me-"

"No, you're not coming with me" Wednesday ordered.

"Why?" i asked walking up to the door.

"Because, we've been hanging out long enough don't you think?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well i-"

"Plus, the whole point i let you waste my time was so you could give me information and you've failed at that" Wednesday mentioned.

"It wasn't a waste though, i enjoyed it- hell we both did" i said as she avoided eye contact. 

"Good day, Lucas" the raven haired girl walked off leaving me leaning on my door. I knew she would admit it, if she really didn't care she would have left a whole while ago. But that fact that she waited until i was finished to get up and leave really meant she cared.

I sighed going back into my dorm and flopping onto my bed. I'd never say this out loud but...i wish i never asked her to be friends because i want to be more than that. 


"I never enjoyed those video games though, i was more of artist hence my obsession with art" i told Ajax and Kent as we hid along with the rest of our friends somewhere in Crackstone's crypt. We were waiting for Enid to come and give us the go ahead.

Xavier had the cake ready and it was almost time. That's when Enid showed up to quickly shush us. "It's time, give me the cake" she whispered to Xavier who nodded and did so. We heard Wednesday's footsteps and where about to jump out when Kent coughed earning glares from Yoko and Enid.

I guess it was now or never. "Surprise!" we all came around the corner to greet the pig tailed girl.  Even Thing was here. "Happy Birthday too you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Wednesday. Happy Birthday too you!" 

"I should have known you were behind this" Wednesday said to Thing. "What part of no party under the penalty of death don't you understand?"

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired" Xavier smirked.

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