twenty two

151 11 78

Season One Finale

"a woeful ending"


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Third Person P.O.V

"No!" Xavier screamed as the arrow was shot into his brother's body. Wednesday was wide eyed as she watched her ex boyfriend slowly fall to the ground. 

They both ran over to check on him as Crackstone grinned michievously. Wednesday grabbed onto the arrow and pulled it out of his unconscious form as more footsteps could be heard appraoching. 

"Oh my god!" a female student said as she and two other students saw the scene unfold in front of them. Wednesday knew she had to act fast, she wanted to tend to Lucas's wounds but she had to make sure the job was done.

"Get Lucas, and get them out of here!" She quickly demanded. 


"Go, i'm fine!" Wednesday persisted. Xavier hesitated but lifted up his brother and directed the other students toward the exit. 

"Cmon guys let's go, go go!" 

Wednesday and Crackstone perceeded to dual, very much like she the matchup she had with Bianca at the beginning of the semester. But once her sword had broken, she was pinned down by Joseph. 

It was looking dire for her when suddenly a heated blade pierced the chest of Joseph Crackstone. He turned around to come face to face with Bianca Barclay. But he didn't waste any time and quickly knocked her back as Wednesday recovered. 

By the time Crackstone turned around it was too late, he was stabbed directly front and center by Wednesday causing his body to began to disappear with flames surrounding him as he vanished. Then with one big explosion all that remained was the signature ring.

Bianca and Wednesday shared a nod before Ms. Thornhill came over with a gun pointed at the Addams girl. "You brought a gun to a sword fight...probably the first smart decision you've made today."

"I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least i'll get to kill you Wednesday" Thornhill said approaching the girl when suddenly a group of bees began to sting and swarm the woman. She fired gun shots at them but it was no use, she was out numbered.

"Yeah, that's what you get for messing with bitch" Eugene said as he joined Wednesday. "Hummers stick together right?"

Wednesday gave him a smile before approaching the woman who was now on the ground. "I'll take it from here."

"Maybe we should call the sheriff?" Eugene asked Bianca as she walked over.

"Turn around Eugene" She warned before shoving her boot in the face of Thornhill.

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